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Stop Drinking Alcohol By Hypnosis

A year ago a man called me and asked if I could help him stop drinking.

Brooklyn Hypnotist Helped 40 Years Old Father of 3 Kids Stop Drinking AlcoholHe was 40 years old father of 3 kids. His wife lost her respect for him because he kept drinking every evening after work. So, I asked John (let’s call him John), why he wants to stop drinking. He said to me that he is afraid to lose his job and his family. Also, he said that he can die if he won’t stop drinking alcohol.

Of course, John loved his wife and his kids very much.

He promised many times to his wife that he will stop drinking but he didn’t have enough willpower to get sober. I asked John why he kept drinking every evening. He said that alcohol helped him to kill the time because it took 2 hours by train for John to get home from work. Also, he kept drinking in the hope to escape from his emotional tension.

I asked John how he feels when he is waking up in the morning?

He said he feels guilty. I asked John how he manages his drinking problem during his work day. He said that though he doesn’t drink at work he can’t focus because he doesn’t feel good. I asked how he sleeps at night. John said that he doesn’t sleep well. Also, he has high blood pressure probably caused by alcohol.

I asked John if he really wants to stop drinking alcohol.

He said “yes”. I asked him if he is ready to make an appointment. He said ” Yes, please”. Next day John came to my office looking nervous. He came after work , it was 7:00 pm. I explained to John how hypnosis works and what he has to do in order to be hypnotized. He was sitting comfortably in a chair, listening to me. Soon John was experiencing relaxation by following my simple instructions. During our two hour individual session I helped John to focus his mind on one thought: “His desire to drink alcohol is going away”.

After our session John said that he was very relaxed and he doesn’t want to drink alcohol anymore.

In a week John came to me again,  and we have done another successful session. He said that he has no more any desire to drink alcohol. Just one thing was bothering him: “What if during holidays or some parties he won’t be able to ignore alcohol?” That’s why John wanted to do more sessions. I said that I will teach him how to let go of such thoughts if they come.

About two months after our sessions John called me and said happily that he was able easily ignore alcohol during Thanksgiving party!

Last year John had to hide a small bottle of alcohol from his wife every time they were visiting his wife’s relatives during holidays. This time John was able to stay sober during a family party. Actually, he enjoyed being sober which was normal I think. I tell every my client that every normal human being was born sober and it’s perfectly normal to become sober again for anyone who has a drinking problem.

I asked John if he is missing his drinking.

He said that sometime he thinks that it would be OK to relax and have just one shot, but then suddenly he hears his mind telling him that he doesn’t have to drink alcohol. Right in that moment John feels that he is in charge. He can always easily let go of his “one shot” thought at any time. The most important thing is John doesn’t have any desire to drink alcohol. His wife respects him again, his kids are happy because John spends more time with them. Of course, John’s ability to focus at work is good now.

Do you know someone who needs help to stop drinking alcohol? Please tell him a story of John. 

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