As a facilitator I do free workshops at Gilda’s club in NYC.
Yesterday I was doing my 21th workshop for people with cancer.
Though only four people came we had a good time. Usually first 30 minutes we talk about hypnosis, what it is and what it’s not. Then we practice to relax. When everybody is ready for hypnosis I begin hypnotizing my people.
It takes about 10 minutes to help them relax to the a state of hypnotic sleep. During this group session which is another 30 minutes I help people increase their self-esteem by feeling safe and protected.
Here are the benefits of hypnosis for people with cancer:
- It helps to reduce side effects of Chemotherapy
- aIt helps to reduce side effects of Radiotherapy
- It helps to reduce vomiting
- It helps to reduce fatigue
- It helps to reduce anxiety before a surgery
- It helps to recover after a surgery more quickly
- It helps to improve sleep
- It helps to reduce fears and anger
- It helps to relax and feel better
- It helps to reduce pain
Hypnosis is not magic, it’s not a cure of all illnesses.
Hypnosis is a natural state in which your mind accepts all suggestions without resistance. As a certified hypnotist I give only positive suggestions to my clients. By the way, even in deep hypnosis you can easily reject suggestions that you don’t want to accept.
Hypnosis is not possible without your willingness.
To achieve some goals through hypnosis you have to be willing to be hypnotized. After a number of sessions you can also learn self-hypnosis and practice it regularly. The good things about self-hypnosis is that even kids can use it because hypnosis doesn’t have side effects.

My name is Alexander Ivlev. I am a certified hypnotist and a member of The National Guild Of Hypnotists. Do you need my help?