Have you heard about past life hypnosis NYC?
Here is the truth about so called past life hypnosis:
First of all, it’s a somnambulistic state of hypnosis which is deep. It’s not just a relaxed state of mind, not at all! If you want to experience past life hypnosis NYC you have to be DEEPLY hypnotized.
Secondly, please understand that it’s not possible to prove that whatever you experience during your hypnosis is really YOUR past life. It could be anything that you perceive as your past life, but if you like it, it’s yours!
Can you really go deeply in hypnosis if you have never been hypnotized?
If you are a normal and intelligent person without mental problems, you can be hypnotized in order to experience a deep level of hypnosis. You never know if you are hypnotizable until you try hypnosis. But again, I am not talking here about a relaxation technique that some psychologists call hypnosis. I am talking here about the real phenomenon!
You don’t have to believe in hypnosis because it works naturally!
Everyone can resist hypnosis, of course but if you want to experience past life hypnosis, than why you have to resist? Your mind has the power that you can use for achieving your goals. You can let go of your fears and become more successful through hypnosis!
Are you interested in hearing more about wonderful benefits of hypnosis?
You are welcome to contact me for a FREE consultation over the phone. During your FREE consultation all your questions regarding my service will be honestly answered by me personally. After the consultation you can schedule your first appointment with me. It’s easier than you think. By the way, I have an office on Upper West Side, Manhattan. It’s open on Saturday.
Now you know a lot about Past Life Hypnosis NYC, don’t you?
My name is Alexander Ivlev. I am a certified hypnotist and a member of The National Guild of Hypnotists.