Here are 5 most common questions people ask me about hypnosis.
What is hypnosis?
According to a great American hypnotist Dave Elman hypnosis is a natural state of the human mind in which the critical faculty is bypassed. Actually everyone experiences hypnosis every day. For example, you read a very good book and your wife gives you a lunch, you ate it and 10 minutes later you ask your wife: “ Where is my lunch?” You don’t remember that you ate your lunch already!
Another example: you can drive your car and simultaneously talk with somebody over cell phone without any problem taking exits safely. Watching TV, listening to radio – all this is a kind of hypnosis.
What is subconscious mind?
Well, though no one ever saw the subconscious mind, a science of psychology explains that we humans have 2 parts of our mind: conscious and subconscious. Consciously we use about 5% of our brain activity and this includes our ability to analyze, think, understand, refuse, resist and of course be skeptical. Subconscious mind is about 95% of our brain activity including all human body processes such as breathing, heart beating, digesting, blood circulation. Subconscious mind is like a huge storage room filled with all your memories, experiences, habits, beliefs.
How hypnosis works?
Normally you can’t control your subconscious mind. But with hypnosis it’s easy. In hypnotic trance your subconscious mind is more open for suggestions that can help you solve your problem. For example a habit of cigarettes smoking can be eliminated quickly with hypnosis. Every smoker knows that it’s not easy to quit smoking using the willpower. But as soon as a smoker’s subconscious mind accepts suggestion to quit smoking a smoker becomes a non-smoker. Of course nobody can be hypnotized against his or her will. It’s simply not possible.
How to program your own mind for success?
To program your own mind for success you need to learn and use self-hypnosis. Actually all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. Also if you want to become more successful you need to develop a positive state of mind which is a creative state of mind. Stop blaming your boss or economy for your problems. Focus on a positive side of everything, be grateful for everything you have, love yourself, forgive yourself, ignore negative people and negative news, eat healthy food, practice relaxation. You always have a choice.
If you want to become the master of yourself you have to control your mind and your thoughts. The American motivational speaker Earl Nightingale used to say that ” success is a progressive realization of the worthy ideal”. It means, you have to direct your mind toward your goal, focus on it and sooner or later you will achieve it!
My name is Alexander Ivlev. I am a certified hypnotist in New York.