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Afraid To Lose Self-Confidence If You Stop Drinking?

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Are you afraid to lose self-confidence If you stop drinking for good? This is not a serious reason but an excuse! You wan to solve your drinking problem but worry to lose your personality, right?

Here is the truth: If alcohol makes you an easy going person, then you should enjoy it, if you are able to control it, of course.

But if alcohol makes you feel miserable, then you should stop drinking for good. Yes?

This is a dilemma. You want to become a sober person, but same time you don’t want to lose your charisma. Who to do?

Be honest with yourself. Did you consult your physician about your drinking problem?

If not, then probably you don’t have any serious alcohol-related health problem.

Ask yourself what can happen to you in a year or two, if you will keep drinking alcohol as usual?
You know the answer. Do you like it?

You can and will stop drinking for good if you really want to!

Can you please think a little about your drinking problem? Now can you think also about your potential problem of losing your personality, if you stop drinking?

Which problem is more important for you?

I am sure that the first one! Right?

Can you accept the possibility of becoming an easy going person who is proud to be sober?

I recommend to say yes, even if you are struggling with it now.

Realize that you are the owner of your mind and your body. Alcohol is maybe good for you, but it may be a dangerous poison to your body.

Do you know why some people continue drinking alcohol after spending a month in rehab?

It is because they were not interested in getting sober in the first place!

Do you really want to stop drinking for good?

If yes, then make a decision to become a happy person who is proud to be sober!

Your self-esteem depends on your wellness and wellbeing. You don’t need alcohol in your blood and your brain to feel great and be confident, do you?

My name is Alexander Ivlev. I help people solve their drinking problems easily and quickly without pills, rehab, or AA.

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