Recently I have done two workshops called “Balancing Your Mood Through Hypnosis”.
One of my workshops was at Queens Cancer Center
People who attended my workshop at Queens Cancer Center have never been hypnotized before. One person said to me that she can’t be hypnotized because she tried hypnosis already. After my explanation what hypnosis is, she became relaxed and 10 minutes later she was sleeping listening to my voice.
Everyone was deeply relaxed during our workshop which is a hypnosis group session that lasted one hour.
After a session I answered all questions that people asked me. Also everyone was sharing his or her own hypnotic experience. For someone it was just a sleep, for another person it was like floating, for somebody else it was deep relaxation.
I explained that a hypnotic experience is different for everyone because everybody responds to suggestion differently. During a session I am always giving positive suggestions to all people who attend my workshops. I suggest good health, peaceful mind, good sleep every night.
The main thought of my suggestions is your mind affects your body.
If you think good positive thoughts your body feels good. To think positively you have to let go of your fearful thoughts as soon as possible. Your body has own healing power, you can use it.
To help your body to restore own wellness you have to let go of your fears and think positively. You have a choice. Choose to feel good! Allow yourself to enjoy your life!
Yesterday I have done another workshop at Gilda’s Club in New York City.
Actually I do a workshop at Gilda’s Club every month. People who attend my workshops know that they are in charge, not their minds. They choose to feel good. They know that the mind is not a master, it’s a servant. They are training their own minds through hypnosis during each workshop that I do.

My name is Alexander Ivlev. As a certified hypnotist I can help you relax and feel better.