Have you been diagnosed with hypertension? Try hypnosis as a non-drug adjunct to your treatment.
Let me show you how to normalize blood pressure through relaxation hypnosis.
Do you know that your emotional stress affects negatively all your organs and systems? For example, when you feel angry your heart is beating faster, your breathing is getting shorter, your abdominal muscles are getting “stoned”, right?
If you are pushing yourself to accomplish your goals 8 days a week, sooner or later your nervous system is getting overused. If you experience endless emotional stress, your blood pressure becomes constantly high. This is not good for your health. To get more info visit the official website of American Heart Association
Hypertension is not your punishment. It’s a warning signal.

Your body, your living organism, depends of you. You have to take a good care of your body. If you will be sleeping well every night, eating healthy very day, drinking enough clean water during a day, exercising regularly, thinking positively then your body will maintain normal blood pressure, no doubt. The problem is you are probably so busy, you just don’t have time for yourself, right?
The amazing thing is you can normalize your blood pressure by letting go of your emotional tension!
Yes, let me repeat it again: you can normalize your blood pressure by letting go of your emotional tension. Can you let go of your emotional tension? Theoretically – yes, but in reality – no, because your mind is too busy. It’s like a hamster in the wheel: running and running.
Your mind affects your body. To feel better relax your mind.

Mental relaxation leads to physical relaxation. Can you imagine yourself having good time with your best friends? Or think for a moment about Hawaii vacation? Notice how your body responds to your positive thoughts. You feel good, don’t you? By the way your blood pressure is also getting normal when you think positively.
Letting go of your mental tension is easy through hypnosis.
During each hypnosis session your mind will be peaceful, your body-relaxed. All your mental tension will be going away. Sooner or later your body will normalize your blood pressure. To keep it normal every day you have to practice self-relaxation. I will teach you how to do it, it’s easy.
Here are the benefits of hypnosis for relaxation:
- No side effects
- 100% natural way to relax
- It helps to normalize blood pressure
- It helps to let go of mental tension
- It helps to think positively
Realize that your problem won’t solve itself. I can help you relax and feel better.
Hypertension hypnosis Brooklyn is your real help. Allow yourself to enjoy your life! You don’t have to suffer any longer, do you?

My name is Alexander Ivlev. I help people relax and feel better.
DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical doctor and I don’t treat blood pressure. As a certified hypnotist, I help people normalize blood pressure by using self-hypnosis technique.