Many people call me for a free consultation and ask me if I can help them recover from Long COVID. I always want to hear more from that people, because I want to be sure that hypnosis can help them recover faster.
If you have have health issues caused by covid 19, you keep visiting your doctor, of course. The problem is people who had covid and then recovered, they still have some health issues such as nervousness, sadness, poor sleep, shortness of breath, heart palpitation, brain fag and many other problems, according to National Institutes of Health. They call it long COVID.
What is strange that medical doctors don’t know what causes Long COVID because the virus is no longer in the body. Also, there are not enough scientific studies about it. But people suffering from Long COVID want to feel better as quickly as possible!
Recovering from Long COVID can take forever
Another strange thing about Long COVID is that it can last up to 12 months, according to medical doctors! Can you feel hopeless and keep moving forward if your doctor doesn’t t know how to help you? I don’t think so.
Here is the scientific truth: mind/body connection is real. It means, your mind can heal your body if you let it happen! Your mind is programmed by what you listen to, watching or reading about. Also, whatever your medical doctor told you, of course.
Do you know that your body has natural resistance to many viruses? It is called immunity. But when you are constantly scared or afraid of something, your perfect immunity becomes imperfect. This is because of flight or fight response of your sympathetic nervous system to your fearful mindset.
Simply to say, it is very hard for your body to heal itself, because your fearful thoughts and negative emotions interfere with healing, making it almost impossible! Can you think for a moment: Your body has own doctor and also own pharmacist who can produce perfect medicine for you without any side effects.
Program your mind for natural restoration of your wellness!
According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, every cell of your body is listening to you! If you worry too much, if you feel hopeless, if you are afraid of some illness, your cells become unhealthy. But as soon as you begin to change your mindset and think differently about yourself, your cells become stronger, healthier, happier. As a result, your body can restore your own wellness naturally!
Can you control your mind to get rid of your fearful thoughts? Many people are not able to control their thoughts because nobody taught them how to do it. Well, there is a better way to improve your thinking naturally and easily! Hypnosis is a perfect tool for such task.
So, you may be wonder what I am talking about. Let me show you how easy it is to feel better through hypnosis. First of all, hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation in which your ability to accept new info is increased. Also, hypnosis is a very healthful state in which your body is able to heal itself.
Combined with hypnotist’s suggestions(special words, hypnosis becomes a powerful hypnotherapy. I can work with you without hypnosis but with hypnosis it is better.
Ask your physician about wonderful benefits of hypnosis
You may ask me: what if I am not hypnotizable at all? Here is the truth: every normal intelligent person speaking English is able to enter a state of light hypnosis. You don’t need deep hypnosis to activate your natural healing.
Please understand that hypnosis is not magic. It can’t heal or restore what is broken. The healing is always done by your own vital energy directed by your brain. How and why this work is not important. The hypnotist’s words, which are the orders for your subconscious mind, help to activate restoration of wellness of your body.
Do you want to try hypnosis, as an adjunct to your medical treatment for Long COVID,? Ask your physician about benefits of hypnosis. If he or she says that hypnosis can help you recover, you are welcome to contact me for a FREE consultation.
My name is Alexander Ivlev. As a certified hypnotist, I help people reduce stress to feel better.