Do you know that Chinese medical doctors used drug Tocilizumab to help their patients recover from coronavirus? This drug reduces respiratory inflammation.
Tocilizumab is immunosuppressive drug that was originally used to help reduce arthritis inflammation. Anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine is another immunosuppressive drug.
Both these drugs are designed to suppress your immune system. You can say that you need your immune system to be strong, in order to fight viruses! Yes, but if you are already sick, your immune system can become very active trying to eliminate the virus. As a result, your body temperature can get very high. Also, your breathing can become poor because of respiratory inflammation.
Zopiclone is a hypnotic drug which means it designed to relax and make you sleepy. It is a sleeping pill that was originally designed to treat insomnia. According to University of Hawaii researches, Zopiclone may help COVID 19 patients.
Here is interesting fact about hypnosis:
You know already that immunosupressive drugs reduce inflammation. Hypnosis for Stress Reduction helps to reduce inflammation too. And of course, hypnosis helps to deeply relax! It means that hypnosis can help some people to recover from coronavirus! Can hypnosis help you recover from coronavirus? The answer depends on your mental state.
What is hypnosis for stress reduction?
It is a small number of hypnosis sessions designed to help you relax and feel better. Also, it can help you improve your mind/body connection. Many people don’t know about mind/body connection. Realize that your mind affects your body 24/7.
If your mind is happy and peaceful, your body’s natural resistance to any virus is strong. When your mind is filled with fears and worries, your body’s natural resistance is reduced. The stress reduction hypnosis can help you make your mind positive!
Now you know that no matter what is going on in the world, you have to be able to control your mind because you want to stay healthy and wealthy. Hypnosis is a very helpful technique to achieve such goal.
Here are benefits of Hypnosis for Stress Reduction:
- No side effects
- 100% natural
- Helps to relax and feel better
- It works for kids too!
I believe that your brain is the best pharmacist in the world! Your brain can produce any harmless anti-depressants , perfect sleeping pills, or pain killers without side effects! All you have to do is make your mind positive! Can you achieve it without any help? Yes, if you know how to control your mind.
Anyway, your health depends on the state of your mind. It is very important now for you to keep your mind closed to all negative influence during COVID-19 outbreak. Can hypnosis help you recover from coronavirus? I think that it depends on your desire to get well. Hypnosis is not magic but it can help you improve your mental set. Believe in your success, trust yourself, make a decision to win! You have the power within!
My name is Alexander Ivlev. As a certified hypnotist, I help people relax and feel better. Yes, I do sessions via Skype!
Disclaimer: I don’t practice medicine and I am not a medical doctor. All info about drugs in this article I found online on Google.