If you have a drinking problem then you probably think: Can I solve your drinking problem by drinking less? Let me ask you please : Do you have an alcohol-related health problem, but can’t accept the idea of quitting drinking forever? Well, it is up to you: To drink or not to drink.
Of course, if your physician told you that you must get sober and stay away from any kind of alcohol, if you want to survive, you should give up your drinking habit, no doubt.
Would it be safe for you to drink moderately, instead of getting sober 100%? Ask your doc about it. If he or she says that you can drink smaller portions and be healthy, then definitely your drinking problem can be solved that way!
Why people who try to control alcohol intakes fail to achieve it? It is because of their urge to drink more. So, you have to be able to control your urge, if you want to reduce your doze.
Can you let go of your urge? Probably not, because if you could, you wouldn’t be reading my post here, right?
The good news is, your brain is able to reduce or even eliminate your urge for alcohol. All you need to do is program your mind for it.
This can be done by repetition of a special affirmation. Yes, It takes time and effort. Many people are not able to do that simply because they don’t have enough willpower.
I can help you program your mind for drinking less alcohol!
There is a more effective way to get it done. You can learn self-hypnosis and use it . Of course, it is not easy to practice self-hypnosis properly because you don’t know exactly what to expect.
Theoretically, if you are motivated strongly enough to keep your drinking habit at a reduced level, you can achieve it.
But in reality, not every person can follow instructions on self-hypnosis. You need some support and guidance to do it right. Very often the lost of motivation is a result of lack of knowledge of self/hypnosis.
Making a decision to reduce alcohol intake, in order to solve your drinking problem, is a first step to your success.
If you will keep drinking as usual for a year or two, who knows what can happen to you. Right? It can be too late for you to reduce your drinking doze.
The only choice would be stopping drinking for good in that case, if you want to stay alive, of course.
Are you committed to become a successful person who enjoy being sober?