Do you regret that you can’t control your drinking? Or maybe you are physically and mentally suffering from drinking alcohol even moderately.
It doesn’t matter how much do you drink. Your wellness and wellbeing is important. Are you agree with me? Of course!
There are people who can drink a lot without getting sick. Their livers are able to function normally. But if you feel bad after drinking alcohol, you should do something about it.
The first thing to do is admit that you have a problem caused by alcohol. Then make a decision to find a solution to your problem.
Did you have an alcohol-related health problem? If you do, then you should follow your doctor’s recommendations. I am sure he or she told you that you have to stop drinking or at least drink moderately.
What is your intention? Do you want to stop drinking for good or just reduce the amount of alcohol you drink? It is up to you, of course!
Are you an alcoholic or a person who has a serious drinking problem?
Decide to drink or not to drink. Realize that you are the owner of your brain and your body. Only can make a real decision about a solution to your drinking problem.
Every person is different. Prime Minister Churchill used to drink whiskey every day and lived 93 years. But it doesn’t mean you should follow his steps!
Yes, the idea of getting sober and never drinking again is scaring for anyone who wants to solve own drinking problem.
But if your doctor told you to stop drinking immediately if you want to stay alive, what
are you going to do?
Well, there are some people who don’t care about their serious alcohol-related health problems. They keep drinking as if the end of light is coming. It is their choice. What about you? What do you choose?
You have to be willing to solve your drinking problem. Without it your success is not possible. Are you willing and ready to solve your alcohol drinking problem?
You control your drinking or it controls you!
If you visit your doctor in order to get help, he or she will call you an alcoholic and will recommend you to go to rehab. Or they may give you chemical pills designed to reduce your desire to drink alcohol.
Here is the truth: If a person doesn’t really want to stop drinking, he or she can go to rehab 100 times and still keep drinking, blaming poor treatment.
Can you recall a situation when you couldn’t control your drinking? How was it? How did you feel after it? Did you like it?
Now, can you please use your imagination and see in your mind yourself having fun at the party without being intoxicated? Would you be happy to solve your drinking problem to achieve that state of being? I think so!
You may ask me what about withdrawal? Let me tell you that if you are motivated strongly enough to solve your drinking problem, you shouldn’t be experiencing any serious withdrawal.
Of course, you can consult your physician about medical detox and then begin solving your drinking problem. This way you will not to be worrying about withdrawal.
Anyway, what do you want? Good health, fun, success? You can have all this if you choose! The big secret is, you can enjoy being yourself without alcohol intoxication!
My name is Alexander Ivlev. I help people solve their drinking problems easily and quickly.
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