Some people ask me if hypnosis really works. Of course they don’t know much about hypnosis. I always explain them that hypnosis itself is only a state of the mind. The positive suggestions given to you while you are under hypnosis make you become better.
Once again, hypnosis combined with positive suggestions works! Every normal person is hypnotizable because hypnosis is a natural state of the human mind. Can you read a book and smile, can you watch a movie and cry? Can you imagine something? Can you follow the hypnotist’s very simple instructions: take a deep breath, close your eyes, relax? If you can do all this ( of course you do!) then you can be hypnotized easily.
While in hypnotic trance my clients hear and understand everything during a session, they even can speak if I ask them. Sometimes I ask my clients start counting backwards from 100 to 95 and they do it easily. Sometime I ask my clients recall a happy event in their life and they recall it effortlessly. Both my client and me are just like a coach and a player, we are a team that can and will win!
Every my client feels great after each session because of deep hypnotic relaxation and my positive suggestions.
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Alexander Ivlev
(718) 921-2954