Are you a NYC business executive who worries too much? Do you know that this bad habit causes heart trouble, ulcers, and high blood pressure? Business people who do not know how to stop worry can die young.
The good news is you can quickly eliminate your habit of worrying with hypnosis. In one or several sessions you will feel yourself great, your self-confidence will be increased, your thinking will become more positive, all your worries will be gone and you will start focusing on solving your problems instead of constant worrying.
What is hypnosis and why hypnosis helps to stop worrying? Hypnosis is a natural state of the human mind in which the subconscious is more open to accept new ideas without resistance. For example, if I ‘ll you that you: “Stop worrying now!”, you can say that it won’t help. If I’ll tell you the same words while you are in hypnosis (which is a very comfortable state of deep relaxation) you will accept my words as your own thoughts and you will stop worrying. We, the hypnotists, called such positive words “suggestions”. Your subconscious mind will accept my positive suggestions and you will stop worrying immediately!
Who can benefit from the power of “Stop The Worry Habit” hypnosis in NYC? I’d say every business man and every business woman can eliminate the worry habit with hypnosis and become more successful!
The list of “stressful” professions is almost endless:
- executives
- salesmen
- engineers
- accountants
- lawyers
- managers
and many more.
Why worry about your problem when you can relax and solve it instead?
My name is Alexander Ivlev. As a certified hypnotist, I can help you relax and feel better!