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Be free from affluenza with help of hypnosis

Hypnosis for Depression

Are you feeling unhappy after achieving your financial goals? Does your desire to have more money become uncontrolled? Do you think that something is wrong with you? Let me tell you that nothing is wrong with you, if you are basically a healthy person without any mental problem, of course. What you experience, psychologists call affluenza. No, it is not a mental disease. It is a mind state! The good news is any mind state can be changed. Would you like to learn how you can have a peace of mind and enjoy being a wealthy person? I think so!

The truth is you are not your mind

Brooklyn hypnotist Alexander Ivlev helps eliminate chronic headaches

You are the owner of your mind. It means, you can control your mind. Money doesn’t make you feel unhappy. Your mind does it! Here is another truth: we don’t need anything to be happy because, as the spiritual beings, we are perfectly safe and protected in the first place! The problem is with your thoughts, not with the money itself. You can be free from your affluenza! All you have to do is make decision to change the way you think about money and yourself.

Nothing is wrong with wanting more money than you have now

keep moving forward toward your goal

But if you can’t sleep normally because of your money desire, your brain cells don’t get enough time to restore own energy. As a result, your ability to think clearly is becoming reduced. You begin to react to any small difficulty as if it is a huge stressful event. Your nervousness is becoming constant. Because of this, you may experience panic attacks. This is not good! It is affluenza! Do you want to be free from affluenza? Of course, you do! Then start changing your self-limiting beliefs. Let me show you how you can change your self-limiting beliefs.

There are many effective methods for changing self-limiting beliefs.

Hypnotic Lie Detection

You can make your mind positive by repetition of affirmations. For example, please say it aloud right now: “I am happy now! I control my mind! I accept myself without conditions! I love myself!” Repeat these affirmations every day many times a day. Of course, it takes time and effort to change your own mind. Not everyone is able to do it. But you can do it. Any normal person can do it. Even a wealthy person can do it. Keep repeating the affirmations and sooner or later you begin thinking positively about money, people, your life.

Hypnosis can help you make your mind peaceful easily and quickly.

8 Reasons Why Every Entrepreneur Should Use Hypnosis

In a small number of individual sessions, your mind can become free from your wrong self-limiting beliefs. Your self-esteem can become better. You can start experiencing positive changes in your life. It is like making your bad feelings go away. Suddenly you feel happy and sleep well every night! Is it what you want? Eliminate your affluenza as soon as possible! You are able to control your mind! Allow yourself to become a person who enjoys being wealthy!

My name is Alexander Ivlev. As a certified hypnotist, I help people relax and feel better!

Call for a FREE consultation: (646) 630-2173