Opioid epidemic kills some people who use prescription drugs for pain control.
Learn here how to fight opioid epidemic through hypnosis in New York.
Do you take pain-killers for chronic back pain, headache, or any other pain? Do you know that you can become easily addicted to opioids? This is not good. You are not a drug user, aren’t you? You are a patient of your pain Doctor who is a lincensed health care provider! Then why some good people die from opioids overdose? Visit an official government website for info about opioid epidemic: http://www.hhs.gov/opioids/
Your chronic pain can be reduced through hypnosis. No pain-killers needed.
Of course, you need to ask your doctor about benefits of hypnosis if you want to try hypnotism. Recently, the scientists of Stanford university proved that hypnosis is a real neurophysiological phenomenon. It means that if you are hypnotizable your chronic pain can be reduced easily and naturally without harmful drugs. To get more info about it visit their page: Med.Stanford.Edu
Hypnosis is 100% natural method for pain control.
The truth is your brain is able to produce own opioids to control your chronic pain. No man-made pain-killers needed. All you need to do is learn how to relax and use the power of self-suggestion. Of course, it’s not easy for most people because their minds are busy with problems. Well, you can ask a professional hypnotist to help you.
You don’t have to suffer any longer from your chronic pain, do you?
You are welcome to try hypnosis as a non-medical adjunct to your pain treatment. You have a right to chose your treatment or to add relaxation techniques to your treatment, right? By the way, have you heard about painless child birth through hypnosis? Over 100 years ago it was a common thing is USA!
Are you interested in a natural non-drug method for pain control?
Try hypnosis! If you are hypnotizable you will benefit from the power of suggestion. You can also learn self-hypnosis and use it every day for your wellness. Allow yourself to enjoy your life! Let your problem go away peacefully without fight.

My name is Alexander Ivlev. I am a certified hypnotist and a member of The National Guild of Hypnotists. I can teach you self-hypnosis.