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How can hypnosis help you recover from COVID 19?

8 Reasons Why Every Entrepreneur Should Use Hypnosis

Though there are no any studies proving that hypnosis can help people to recover from COVID 19, I can show you how hypnosis can help you if you get sick. First of all, make a decision to get well. This is an order to your subconscious mind! Say aloud right now: I AM GOING TO GET WELL! Please repeat this affirmation again. If you keep repeating this affirmation many times a day every day, your subconscious mind can become programmed to support your goal.

Hypnosis can help you program your subconscious mind for your success.

Do you know that according to University of Hawaii researches, Chinese doctors used a hypnotic drug which is a sleeping pill, to help recover their patients? Just think for a moment: A hypnotic drug helped people to recover from coronavirus!

Improve your sleep through hypnosis in New York

What hypnotic drugs do? They make you sleepy! That’s it! What is hypnosis? It is a suggested sleep that is very beneficial for you because your stress is getting reduced, you sleep better every night, you think positively.

Your brain is your best medical doctor and pharmacist in the world!

While in hypnosis, your mind can become FOCUSED ON YOUR GOAL which is your good health. Normally, people are not able to take their attention away from bad news. As a result, their minds are busy with fearful thoughts. In turn, people experience emotions of fear which lead to their health problems. Realize that any thought that you keep in your conscious mind influence your subconscious mind that controls every cell of your body.

Brooklyn hypnotist Alexander Ivlev helps eliminate chronic headaches

If you keep reading bad news about COVID 19, your subconscious mind gets programmed negatively, and you begin feeling bad, anticipating sickness. You attract what you think about! Of course, it is not easy to stop thinking about bad things because whole world is afraid of a coronavirus. But you don’t have to suffer from your fears! Use hypnosis to shift your attention from a dark side to a positive side. Then your brain can begin producing hormones of well-being instead of hormones of stress.

A wounded gladiator who won his fight recovers faster.

8 Reasons Why Every Entrepreneur Should Use Hypnosis

Because a winner has a winning mindset! How to develop a winning mindset? By repetition of affirmation! Any idea that you hold in your mind sooner or later will influence your subconscious mind. The problem is your fearful thoughts stay in your mind without any effort. They don’t go away easily. Good thoughts have to be cultivated. Good thoughts need your constant attention and support. It takes effort to hold positive thoughts in your mind. This task is easy to accomplish with the power of hypnosis!

How can hypnosis help you recover from COVID 19?

Let me ask you first. Do you know that people who use hypnosis for surgery anxiety reduction recovered faster? Hypnosis helped them to BELIEVE that the surgery will be easy and they will recover faster. Can hypnosis help you recover from COVID 19? Ask this question your medical doctor! I am sure that they can recommend you to try hypnosis at least for stress reduction.

My name is Alexander Ivlev. As a certified hypnotist, I help people to achieve their goals. Yes, I do sessions via Skype and by phone.

Disclaimer: I don’t practice medicine and I am not a medical doctor. Hypnosis is not magic. If you feel sick, contact your physician immediately!

Call for a FREE consultation: (646) 630-2173