“How Hypnosis Works For Smoking Cessation”. Podcast by Alexander Ivlev
Hello and welcome! I am Alexander Ivlev, certified hypnotist from Brooklyn, NY. From this podcast you will learn all you need to learn about Quit Smoking Hypnosis:
- Why some smokers can’t stop smoking with willpower, patches, gums or drugs
- Why hypnosis is a most effective method for Smoking Cessation
- How hypnosis works for smoking cessation
- What are your chances to become a non-smoker with hypnosis
- What you have to do to become a non-smoker with hypnosis
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Listen to it and enjoy! You deserved to live life without nicotine poisoning!To schedule an appointment with me call at (718) 921-2954 or email me: alexandre.ivlev@gmail.com
1) Why some smokers can’t quit smoking with willpower, patches, gums or drugs OK, first of all It’s doesn’t matter what you use to stop smoking: your willpower, nicotine patches or any other stop smoking products. All this doesn’t change your smoking habit. Even if you stopped smoking for a couple of days or months you will start smoking again because your craving is still alive, your smoking habit is undeleted. I have to say you that all your habits are controlled by your subconscious mind, your inner mind, and only hypnosis help to access your subconscious mind and quickly eliminate craving and delete your cigarettes smoking habit.
2) Why hypnosis is a most effective method for Smoking Cessation
As I said already, hypnosis helps to access your subconscious mind where your smoking habit lives and eliminate it. It’s like going to the root of a problem and removing it. Nothing else you can use to eliminate the cause of your unwanted habit. With hypnosis it’s easy and quickly. Very often people quit smoking in just one hypnosis session. No any drugs needed! That’s why hypnosis is a most effective and by the way a 100% natural method for Smoking Cessation.
3) How hypnosis works for smoking cessation
Actually hypnosis is a natural state of the human mind similar to daydreaming. Only difference is under hypnosis you are focused on my positive suggestions for your well-being. In my office you will be comfortably sitting in a chair, your eyes will be closed, you will be calm and very relaxed and listening to my voice. You will feel better with each positive suggestion I will give you. After the session you will open your eyes, you will be refreshed, you will become a non-smoker! Your craving will be gone right after the session! The whole session is about one hour. After the session all my clients feel great because hypnosis helps to reduce stress as well!
4) What are your chances to become a non-smoker with hypnosis?
OK, some smokers ask me what is my success rate. I tell them that there is no such thing as a success rate because everybody is unique and you are responsible for your own well-being, not me. I can’t make you a non-smoker if you don’t want to quit smoking or if you just came to try and see what will happen. If you are very motivated, which means you are very serious about becoming a non-smoker, your chances are very good. Before a session I check my clients if they can be hypnotized. If somebody doesn’t pass very simple tests for suggestibility I can’t help such a client to quit smoking with hypnosis.
Once again, if you have a very strong desire to quit smoking and you are hypnotizable then you will become a non-smoker, no doubt!
5) What you have to do to become a non-smoker with hypnosis
If you decided to become a non-smoker with hypnosis all you have to do is call me at (718) 921-2954 and schedule an appointment! I have an office in Manhattan and also I see my clients in my home office in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY. Both locations are very nice!
Alexander Ivlev, Certified Hypnotist from Brooklyn, NY