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How to control your urge after you stopped drinking

Here is the truth: If you could minimize your urge, then you would stop drinking easily (if you have to). Right? Of course!

You stopped drinking and try to stay away from alcohol, but your urge makes you unable to stay sober. Yes? The harder you try to control your urge, the stronger it becomes. This is a vicious circle!

This problem can’t be solved with pills or rehab because it is not physical but an emotional state of desire for booze.

What to do? Well, if you stopped drinking and struggle with the urge or craving, then you have to ask yourself why are you trying to stop drinking in the first place? What is your motivation?

If the reason of your wanting to stop drinking is not serious enough, you will find hundreds of excuses to not be able to get sober. The uncontrollable urge is one of them, of course.

In contrary, if you decided to become a sober person because you have dangerous alcohol-related health issues, then you should control or even let go of your urge easily without any difficulties. 

So, you have to know exactly why do you want to stop drinking for good! Admit that you have a drinking problem and then begin looking for an effective solution to it.

Can you easily control your urge to drink alcohol?

Realize that you are the owner of your mind and your body. It means, YOU are in charge, not your mind or your brain, or your body. Can you accept this? You have to!

Now, think about your urge when you want to have just a drink or two. Is your urge really so bad? Can you control it? Probably yes. Guess what, it can go away! 

Here is what you can do if you want to minimize your urge: When you FEEL a desire to have a drink, focus on your FEELING, be aware of it. 

Then ask yourself  this question: Can I let it go? Then say: Yes! Your urge will become lighter. Repeat the question and answer yes again. Repeat. 

By doing so you are training your mind to reduce your urge. Sooner or later you will be able to minimize your desire to drink alcohol. As a result, you can become a person who can stop drinking alcohol for good.  

My name is Alexander Ivlev. I help people stop drinking alcohol easily and quickly.

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