You probably have heard that rich people, the millionaires, have a successful mindset. Well, if you think that there is a shortcut to your financial success, then I suggest you to change your thinking. The truth is you can improve your income by doing the right things. To be able to do that, you need to reprogram your subconscious mind.
Reprogram your subconscious mind
According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, the subconscious mind is a player -recorder that can only record and play it back. What does it record? Everything you see, hear, feel, and experience. As a kid, you had only a subconscious mind. Your conscious mind wasn’t developed yet.
Here is a problem: Your subconscious mind accepts everything without thinking about it. It means you, as a kid, didn’t have the ability to select the right thoughts or ideas and ignore negative ones. As an adult, you are able to control your thoughts. Can you think positively? Theoretically yes, practically probably no.
Why is that? You are an adult, you have your conscious mind, but when you try to improve your income, your mind becomes busy with negative thoughts. The harder you try the more negative your mind becomes. You have to break this vicious circle!
You can break the vicious circle!
To accomplish such a task you have to reprogram your subconscious mind.
Another great man who knew a lot about the subconscious mind is Dr. Joseph Murphy. He thought that the subconscious mind is the power that can hear you. You can ask it to help you.
There is also another explanation of the subconscious mind: It is your brain. And your conscious mind is your brain’s tiny layer called neocortex. The scientists call it gray matter. Personally I like this model of the subconscious mind.
Of course, there are more different versions and models of the subconscious mind, for example, it is your solar plexus, your sympathetic nervous system, according to Charles Haanel. But it doesn’t matter. All you want is to improve your income, yes? I am sure! How can you achieve it? By reprogramming your subconscious mind!
Now you may ask me how to reprogram the subconscious mind?
Here is what you have to do:
1. Write down the numbers of your desired income.
2. Write down how you can make that money (of course, legally).
3. Write down the date you want to have that money.
For example, you make $2000 a month. You want to make more money to be able to pay your bills and move forward toward your business goals. Decide how much you can make a month by doing differently what you do now.
Figure out what you can do, in order to achieve your desired income. This is your practical steps to improve your income. Set a date when you expect to achieve your desired income. Of course, be realistic. Give yourself a minimum of 30 days.
Read your affirmations aloud!
Now I want you to read your written affirmations aloud many times during a day. After the reading, sit comfortably in a chair, relax your body, close your eyes and begin visualizing yourself receiving money from your clients. Feel as if it is happening now. It will take effort, but as you practice it, your visualization becomes better.
Keep reading your written affirmations, visualizing your desired income for 30 days or longer and see what happens. If you don’t get the results after 30 days, keep reading and visualizing for another 30 days. You must be persistent. Never give up! One day you will achieve your desired income!
It can take a month or longer but if you will do exactly what I am telling you, you can’t fail to improve your income. I know that because I was in your shoes before. I experienced severe anxiety and panic attacks when my income was poor. After I learned how to reprogram my subconscious mind in order to achieve my goals, everything began improving.
Believe in your success, follow my instructions, enjoy helping people, be grateful for everything you have, and your income can become perfect! Remember that your income is always controlled by your subconscious mind no matter how positive you can think!
Need help? Try hypnosis!
If you need help to reprogram your subconscious mind, try hypnosis. Many successful people used to use hypnosis to achieve their goals. Actually, hypnosis is only a state of deep relaxation in which you can easily accept my suggestions. All you have to do is be willing to listen to me, your hypnotist.
Would you be interested in a FREE consultation? I will be happy to answer all your questions regarding my service. My name is Alexander Ivlev. As a certified hypnotist, I help people to achieve their goals.