Learn here about how to increase hypnotizability.
There are some studies showing a new way of boosting hypnotizability to help people experience deep hypnosis needed for pain reduction. It is called “brain stimulation‘.
Personally, I am not sure that now everyone who needs surgery can be deeply hypnotized with the help of a machine. So an anesthesiologist can guarantee that a patient can have painless surgery without chemical anesthesia.
Dr. David Spiegel and his colleges are optimistic about such a revolutionary method of increasing ability to achieve a somnambulistic level of hypnosis.
Brain stimulation means the neurons are getting charged with electricity. Is it safe? Does it even work? I don’t know.
Now let me tell you that brain stimulation can be done not only by electro-magnetic stimulation. Any hypnotist can stimulate his or her client’s cortex neurons with words!
This is what we, the hypnotists, do every time during a session! And it is a harmless method for sure. But of course, a deep hypnosis level can’t be achieved by any client.
The truth is, deep hypnosis is not necessary in many cases, except surgery.
There are medical scientific studies showing the effectiveness of hypnosis combined with a reduced dose of anesthetic drug (only 10% of the anesthetic used).
Soviet hypnotherapists used to use hypnotics, which are special drugs designed to relax a patient if he or she doesn’t go to hypnosis.
Now you see that there are many ways to increase hypnotizability.
I have my own technique that I use to make my clients more hypnotizable. Here is what I do: I put my right hand on the top left side of my patient’s forehead and keep it there during a session.
It works perfectly. But of course, I can’t guarantee that a resistant client who doesn’t respond well to suggestions will achieve a somnambulistic state of hypnosis with my technique.
Anyway, I think that brain stimulation with electro-magnetic impulses needs to be carefully studied before using it for hypnotizability increasing.
It is a well-known fact that a client that was not able to experience hypnosis can be easily hypnotized by a different hypnotist.
So you shouldn’t rely on devices designed to produce hypnosis. Be the hypnotist in the first place!
Watch my video down here to learn how to check out your client’s hypnotizability.with simple test:
Do you have questions? Email me to: info@hypnosisrapport.com