You want to know how to program your subconscious mind for your success. Right? Of course! If you ask someone what is subconscious they probably will say that it is a part of a brain. Or even it is a soul. The truth is there are many different explanations of what subconscious mind is.
Joseph Murphy used to say that you can ask your subconscious to help you achieve your goal. Lester Levenson thought that the subconscious mind is all your thoughts that you are not aware about at this moment.
Personally I like this one: Dr Bruce Lipton says that it is kind of a tape recording machine. You can’t talk to your subconscious but you can record a new program.
You can install a new program to your bio-computer
So how to program your subconscious mind to support you goal? Let me ask you, how do you program your computer? You just choose what to install or uninstall, then you click the button and that is it! A two years old toddler can do that today!
Of course, your bio-computer called a brain is not possible to reprogram because no one has a manual for it. But your mind can be reprogrammed! There is only one way to install a new program to your subconscious mind: through repetition of affirmations.
You must write down what you want to achieve and read it aloud every day many times a day. Here is a good technique that I learned from Josef Murphy: Stand in front of a mirror. Look right in your eyes. Read to yourself your affirmations.
Joe Vitale likes this mirror technique too.
Your thoughts can influence your subconscious mind.
As Napoleon Hill says in his book “Think and Grow Rich”, the method of repetition of affirmations to your subconscious is sound. If it doesn’t work, it is a person , not the method. Believe me, the method works perfectly. But you have be persistent. Do not expect quick results. It takes time and effort.
What will happen to your old program that you are not happy with? Well, your old program will remain in your subconscious mind but your new program will be on top of that. If you keep working on your goal, knowing that your mind is focused on how to achieve it, then your old program will become garbage sooner or later.
Realize that you are the boss, not your mind! Always remember that. Your mind is only your servant, not your master! Actually, every thought that you hold in your conscious mind influences your subconscious. The problem is if you don’t control your mind, it controls you!
Your subconscious mind can be programmed through hypnosis
Some people use hypnosis to eliminate their bad habits. Also, some business people use hypnosis to increase their motivation. You may wonder if hypnosis can help you program your subconscious for your success. It can, but hypnosis is not magic. It is a state of your brain activity in which you can accept new ideas without your mental resistance.
When my clients want to program his or her mind for own success , I help them. During a session with me, my client sits comfortably in a my office chair feeling good. I talk to my client’s brain. As a result, my client’s subconscious may become programmed for his or her success.
Is it possible to program yourself to become a millionaire? Yes, if you know what you want and how to get it. Is it possible to hypnotize you to win money in lottery? No. But if you, for example, play golf for money , hypnosis can help you improve your game.
Please understand that nothing in the world can magically makes you rich. The Law of Attraction can’t make you a millionaire if your mind is constantly focused on fear and poverty. You have to be able to think positively!
Don’t wait to become successful, you are successful already!
As you may understand now, your success depends on your mindset. If your “tape recorder” plays a new program that you have recorded in order to program your subconscious, you can achieve your goal.
But again, if your mind doesn’t support you, which means your tape recorder plays your old program, you probably will quit as soon as possible. It is like trying to walk against strong wind. Or swim against strong currency.
Here is a secret: You don’t have to struggle when you move forward toward your goal! Instead of struggling, you can use your imagination to see your goal as already achieved! This will help you program your subconscious mind too.
Anyway, you have to know what you want. Without knowing what you really want, you can’t program your subconscious for your success. See your goals clearly in your mind. If you can’t see it, practice every day until you succeed. Then make a firm decision to achieve it. When you have done, “burn” the bridges behind you. No point to return.
You have the power to control your mind. It means you can choose what to think. Also, you can ignore any thought in your mind, if that thought discourages you. Same is true for thoughts that other people share with you. The good thing is when your mind will be programmed, you will be able control your mind easily, almost automatically.
It is not easy to achieve a goal without any help
Can you program your subconscious without any help? Theoretically yes, practically no, because your mind is already programmed by self-limiting beliefs. It is not your fault. As a kid, you wasn’t able to keep your mind closed to all negative influences from your parents, school teachers, friends, movies, books.
So, you have to reprogram your mind, if you want to achieve your goal. Your self-limiting beliefs have to be replaced with self-supporting beliefs. Your mind has to become open to all good influences from successful people! Only then you can become successful too!
To reprogram your subconscious, you should accept my suggestion: You are successful already! Yes, you are happy and successful right now! Feel it! Don’t think too much about it, just accept my suggestion as deeply as you can.
If you think that you can’t be successful because you failed so many times, I advice you, stop thinking that way. Don’t think about your past at all! When the babies are learning to walk, they fall many times, then he or she gets up and keep trying. Sooner or later they start walking and running.
You can achieve your goals, if your mind is programmed for your success, no doubt. If you need help, you are welcome to contact me for a FREE consultation. All your questions regarding my service will be answered by me personally.
My name is Alexander Ivlev. As a master hypnotist, I help people program their minds for their own success!