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How To Quit Smoking With Self-Hypnosis

Some people smoke cigarettes and have no problem with it. Other people have painful problems because of smoking but keep smoking. Why don’t they just stop smoking?

If you are a smoker then you probably tried to quit smoking at least once, didn’t you? There are a lot of smoking cessation products on the market today: nicotine patches, gums, drugs, e-cigarettes, laser… Any smoker can quit smoking with any of this product. The problem is if you mentally are not ready to quit smoking then nothing can help you.

Here is The Big Secret for you: hypnosis helps to re-program your mind for successful quitting smoking. One condition: you have to be 100% motivated. You have to have a burning desire to quit smoking. Learning how to quit smoking with self-hypnosis is an easy part.

If you really want to become a non-smoker, achieve your goal with hypnosis.

Actually all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. You can easily hypnotize yourself to stop smoking. All you have to do is make yourself believe that you can and will stop smoking. Self-hypnosis is very helpful for that. In order to practice self-hypnosis you need to sit in a chair or lie on a bed. Make sure nobody is disturbing you at least for 20 minutes.

Close your eyes, relax your body and start focusing on your painful problems that smoking gives you. Keep focusing on all negative feelings that you have because of smoking. Think about yourself as a strong person who is awakening from horrible nightmare. Realize that your brain and all your organs are constantly getting poisoned with nicotine.

In about 10 minutes you will feel that something inside of you is beginning to change. Let this new feeling to grow. Focus on it. In a moment you will feel that you don’t want to smoke anymore. It’s like jumping over the wall. As soon as you did that you are free, you are a non-smoking person.

If you have doubts about self-hypnosis then wait until you get rid of them. Again, your success depends on the level of your motivation. You have to be 100% motivated to quit smoking. Are you ready to quit?

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