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How to restore your natural immunity

Would you like to know how to restore your natural immunity and enjoy being healthy? Let me share with you a scientific fact: Fear shuts off your immune system.

It is called a “flight or fight” mode that gets activated in case of danger. It is built in your body. You were born with it. The “problem” is, because we are humans, we perceive everything through our minds. 

It means that your brain reacts to a dangerous situation according to your mental paradigm. So, your brain can interpret some information not like the other person’s brain, if your mind is programmed to react differently. 

You may say that stress makes people feel miserable, and they can’t do nothing about it. Well, the fact is, you don’t have to accept everything as is. 

You have a choice to change the way you think or keep thinking automatically as everybody else. Of course, it is not easy to change your mental paradigm, but it is very possible. 

You control your mind, or it controls you!

Brooklyn hypnotist Alexander Ivlev helps eliminate chronic headaches

Now, can you please recall any episode from your past, when you felt very happy, because nothing was bothering you? Wait until you feel good. Allow yourself to dive in your happy memories for a moment.

Realize that you were happy, when your brain didn’t produce hormones that caused your body feel as the emotions of fear! 

Can you see now that it is not something causes your fear, but your own brain? And if you will change your perception about this, your brain will stop producing hormones of fear. You can even program your brain to produce hormones of pleasure

Of course, you may ask me now, how to change your perception, in order to eliminate fear? My answer is simple: Make a decision to change it and then do everything you can to change it! 

Yes, it takes time and effort. You have to be willing to reprogram your mind. Some people are able to achieve it easily. If you really want it to happen, you can and will achieve it, sooner or later.

Program your mind to restore your natural immunity!

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As soon as you stop feeding your mind with fearful thoughts, your emotional level will become positive. As a result, your immune system can begin function normally as it should, if you are a basically normal healthy person without any serious disease.

What else can you do to restore your natural immunity? Watch comedy movies, exercise, enjoy being happy and successful! 

Every time you think good about yourself, you feel good. This creates a healthy emotional atmosphere in your body. In contrary, if you constantly fear of possible diseases, your body’s natural resistance is getting reduced. 

Would you be interested in more info about mind programming for success? You are welcome to contact me for a FREE consultation!

My name is Alexander Ivlev. As a certified hypnotist, I help people program their minds for their success.

Call for a FREE consultation: (646) 630-2173