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How to solve a sleep problem of insomnia

If your insomnia in not caused by any health ussie, I can help you solve your sleep problem of insomnia. Here are some facts about insomnia treatments available today.

All sleep doctors treat insomnia with pills which have side effects and usually don’t help to sleep better. Also there is a therapy called CBT-1. It takes 8 weekly sessions (2 months!) which is too long, and it doesn’t eliminate the root cause of insomnia.

My approach is simple: I talk to my clients. Their insomnia goes away by itself. That’s it.

Here are more details about my method: I ask my clients about their insomnia. They answer my questions.

How it works? I am not sure, but I think that during our conversation that can last about an hour or more, my client’s subconscious mind reduces or eliminates the root cause of insomnia.

As a result, my clients begin sleep better every night with less pills or without pills. Attention: Always consult with your sleep doctor, if you want to stop taking sleeping pills!

Your problem of insomnia can be solved easily and quickly without pills!

You may be wondering why is it possible for me to help my clients improve sleep, if medical doctors can’t help them?

Well, as a certified hypnotist with a solid experience, I know how to influence the subconscious mind, in order to break unwanted habits, including the habit of sleeping poorly: Insomnia.

If you are interested in my solution to your problem of insomnia, make sure that your insomnia is not caused by any health issue. It means, your sleep doc didn’t find anything wrong with you. In this case your insomnia is a condition, not an illness.

I see my clients in my office or via Zoom.

Are you committed to let go of your insomnia?

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