Do you want to know how to stop craving sugar because you have diabetes? If you are suffering from diabetes, your doctor probably told you to minimize sugar intakes. Right? The problem is, even if you know that too much sugar is a dangerous poison to your body, you still eat a lot of pastries, cookies, ice cream, candies and so on. Yes?
What causes such a problem? You may say that it is an addiction to sugar. Let me ask you now: Is it the same addiction as a drug addiction? Of course, not! So, let us call your problem a bad habit. Are you agree with me?
Realize that your bad habit of eating too much sweets is really dangerous one. Some people with diabetes lost their legs, because their had a sugar tooth. Do you want to reduce or even eliminate your habit of eating too much sugar?
Here is the truth: Your subconscious mind supports any habit you have, especially your sweet one. Consciously you want to stay away from sugar, but unconsciously you keep putting more sugar in your mouth every day.
The more you try not to eat sugar, the stronger your sugar craving becomes! Right? This is not good! This vicious circle has to be broken. Hypnosis is a very effective tool for such task to accomplish.
Now please understand that nobody and nothing can help you stop eating too much sugar, if you don’t really want to stop eating sugar! Your willingness and readiness to become free from your “sweet tooth” is very important.
Do you really want to stop craving sugar because you have diabetes?
If you are willing and ready to stop eating too much sweets, then make a strong decision to achieve your goal! As soon as you make it, you feel better, because you are taking care of your body, your living organism.
Can you please ask yourself if you are going to enjoy your life as a person who eats delicious fruits instead of candies, cookies and all other kind of sweets? What is your answer? Will your body become healthier?
Your problem is not your punishment. It is your warning! You can ignore it and keep eating sugar as much as you like. Also, you can stop eating sweets and start enjoying fruits instead. So you have too choices. Which one do you choose? Why?
Realize that you are an owner of your mind and your body. You are responsible for your wellness and wellbeing. Obey the Laws of Nature! Take care of your body by feeding it with right kind of food. Give it plenty of water, sleep, fresh air. Practice relaxation and meditation. Be physically active.
Your problem won’t solve itself. Yes? If you need help, you are welcome to contact me for a FREE consultation. During a consultation, all your questions regarding my hypnotic solution to your problem will be answered by me personally.
My name is Alexander Ivlev. As a certified hypnotist, I help people break their unwanted habits including a habit of eating too much sugar.