Hello, my name is Alexander Ivlev. I am a certified hypnotist helping normal healthy men solve their problem of psychological erectile dysfunction without pills.
Now I’m gonna answer some basic questions about how to stop suffering from psychological impotence without pills. Here is the truth: All pills, all chemicals pills called medicine, especially those pills designed for men with erection problem, are chemicals in the first place.
And they have side effects, and those side effects may be very dangerous. And also, the pills cannot cure, cannot solve your problem. They maybe give someone who is using them 10 or 15 percent of success, but they cannot cure the problem. They cannot solve the problem in the first place.
So now let me ask you: Do you think your ED, your problem with erection, is physical?
Why am I asking you? Because only a doctor can find out what is wrong with you. If your problem is caused by any kind of physical abnormality, or any kind of health problem, then you need to follow your doctor’s instructions and take pills, or medicine.
Try some therapies, maybe a surgery, your doctor know know what to do. But if your doctor didn’t find anything wrong with you, it means you are a perfectly normal healthy man. Then your problem with erection is probably caused by your emotional tension.
I’m not a doctor, I’m not a psychologist, I’m not a psychiatrist, whatever. I found all this info on internet and I share it with you, this knowledge is available online for anyone.
To stop suffering from psychological impotence, reduce your stress
The psychologists say that stress creates emotional tension. It’s a kind of stress or maybe some emotional response to whatever you experience in your life.
It doesn’t matter. It means one thing: It’s good, if your problem is psychological, it can be solved without pills. And by the way, again, according to a data found online. Almost all ED, which is a problem with erection, almost all cases are psychological in some degree.
So you may ask me: Why then so many pills are available? It’s because it is a business, a pharmacy business. They make pills for users, and users use them, and for somebody else it works, and for somebody else it doesn’t. But please understand, all pills are chemicals.
If you don’t care about your health, then keep taking those pills, but be careful, they have side effects. If you want to solve your problem, you should understand, the solution is not in outside world, but within your subconscious mind.
You may ask me now: What? What where that? What the hell is that subconscious mind? So here is an explanation very easy to understand: Your subconscious mind is a part of your mind, which is taking care of your emotions beliefs, perceptions, pain and all other reactions in the form of feelings.
And subconscious mind is able to create the problems, physical problems. I’m talking about the real physical problems like pain, anxiety, depression.
Again this is not me, this is the information I found online. And also, I read the book of a famous doctor John Sarno, who helped his patients become free from chronic back pain by learning about how subconscious mind creates the pain.
Do you want to solve your ED problem without pills?
So here is what he used to say: If your subconscious mind has created a physical problem in a form of pain, anxiety, or depression, (and I think you’re probably also belong to that group) it is because your subconscious mind wants you to stay away from your real problem, which is emotional tension within you.
Dr. Sarno used to say, that anger and fears, which are negative emotions, are repressed. It means you are safe, your self-esteem is safe, no one even knows that you experience a lot of negative emotions. But your subconscious mind has created your erection problem,
because you believe in your problem somehow, you are afraid of such a problem, subconscious mind always creates whatever anyone is afraid of. For example, for somebody else it is pain, chronic pain. Why? Because that person experienced injury, or maybe that person was lifting some weights, and now he has chronic back pain. So this is precisely how mind works.
So again, please, let me tell you: Your erection problem is caused by your emotional tension on purpose. And if you are looking for a solution in outside world in form of pills, treatments, therapies, or some devices, this is a wrong way, because your problem is still there.
No matter what, your problem will be with you, because your subconscious mind controls your problem, the conscious mind controls the blood flow. It easily can decrease the blood flow or increase it to the certain parts and organs.
To stop suffering from psychological impotence, you need to quiet your mind.
And now you may logically understand, your problem is caused by something, and that something is controlled by your subconscious mind, and the purpose of a such thing is to keep you focused on your problem. Why? Because your brain, your subconscious mind thinks that you have emotional tension, which is very big emotional tension, which is very painful.
Realize that your self-esteem always has to be safe. No matter what is going on, you must feel yourself okay, even if you have an erection problem. You are a victim, everyone understands, this is not you, this is your problem.
Now you maybe understand, to change that, to find a solution, you must access your subconscious mind and change or find a solution to your problem. How to do it? Well, it’s not easy for you, because your mind is focused on your problem, your mind also is busy with your fearful thoughts, or fearful expectation of failure.
And I am a hypnotist, certified hypnotist, who helps people find the solutions to their problems by accessing their subconscious minds. And if you want to solve your problem without pills, you may always call me for a free consultation. I can help you.
And if you are really committed to stop suffering from your erection problem, then make a decision now, a decision to get well. Why I’m telling you this? Because many people don’t want to get well, somehow. This is very strange, but somehow their problems benefit them, this is really bizarre.
You can restore your normal erection by letting go of your fear
Without making a decision to get well, nothing is possible. So better make a decision now, and always remember: Your problem wasn’t always with you, your problem began one day. Of course, it was maybe a year ago, or five years, doesn’t matter. But it was a beginning of your problem.
It means, right there your subconscious mind has created your problem, because you experienced some stress, some emotional tension, that’s why your problem is emotional, or psychological.
I know that the psychologists offer a therapy which is called CBT, it’s like a conversational behavioral therapy, and that therapy takes maybe 12 sessions, two months, and they basically teach patients how to be free from negative thoughts, how to believe, and this and that. So it is again,
almost nothing. My approach is really simple: I talk to my clients hypnotically, I know how to talk, I know how to access the subconscious mind, I know how the mind works. And, as I talk and my clients answer my questions, after a session, which is basically only one, my clients feel better.
And this is (agree with me) much faster than taking two months or three months working with psychologists.
So the pills cannot help you restore your normal potence, restore your normal erection, the pills cannot help you, the devices cannot help you, nothing can help you until you access your subconscious mind. And you cannot do this yourself even if you start meditating, or trying doing yoga, whatever, because your subconscious mind is a part of your mind, and you are not aware of it.
Are you committed to stop suffering from psychological impotence?
Let’s summarize what I talked today, what I shared with you today. First of all, if your problem is not physical, means you are a healthy normal person without any serious health issue, then your problem is psychological, which is perfectly normal, because “psychological” means your emotional tension created your problem.
My name is Alexander Ivlev. I help people with many problems, especially with this one, and if you are interested in more information, you are welcome to contact me for a free consultation. Book a free strategy call, if you are ready to talk about your problem with me.