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Hypnosis Weight Loss NYC

Learn here about wonderful benefits hypnosis weight loss NYC. Do you feel like you are not able to lose weight no matter what you do? Here is the truth: To achieve your normal weight you have to reduce your meal portions! Of course, if you have some problems with your digestive system or your endocrine system, then you need to visit your doctor, in order to solve your problem.

Please understand that hypnosis weight loss NYC is not magic! You can’t become a person with normal weight, if you are not WILLING to eat less food, than you ate before. Just think for a moment: Your habit of overeating caused your weight pronlem. Right?

All modern diets are useless because they can be very difficult. The pills designed to reduce your desire to eat your favorite food can have bad side effects.

If you want to lose weight without being afraid to get sick, you should stop overeating! As a result, your body will mantain your normal weight naturally.

Yes, this is not easy because it takes effort and self-discipline. But it is possible! Keep trying, and soone or later you will enjoy the half of your food portions and be satisfied, because your weight will be becoming normal.

Here are what my clients say about hypnosis weight loss NYC:

“ I’m pleased to tell  that I now weigh 193! (no more 200s) & a 21.5 lbs lost!!!  I’m off my cholesterol medicine because my numbers came down without the medication & my doctor told me to stop taking it. Even with diet, medication & exercise my cholesterol hovered between 250-240. It’s now 222. Life is good and I, m so happy"                               

  - Jackie  Stevenson, Bronx, NY

“I lost a total of 25 lbs. I started the gym n starting walking a few days ago. Thanks so much for reaching out to me, you are a sweetheart.”
- Desiree Violante, Brooklyn, NY

“ I have lost over 16 lbs total and continue to eat healthier. I feel absolutely great and have more energy than I had in the past.”
- Adrienne Garcia, New Jersey

“I went for a weight loss hypnosis, and I have to say since I left his office, all I can think about is just fruits & vegetables. And I’m gonna say I am so happy! Perfect example, I hate watermelon, but I eat it all!”

- Yvette Ordonez, New Jersey

(results may vary)

Take advantage of our FREE 30-minute Consultation over the phone

During a consultation all your questions will be answered. Also you will try hypnosis and decide if you like it. You may leave at any time if you don’t like it. No obligation.

You can have your 1st weight loss session  right after the consultation if a time slot is available. Weight loss hypnosis NYC is your healthy choice to become slim.
Alexander Ivlev. As a certified hypnotist, I help people lose weight without pills.

Call for your FREE consultation: (646) 630-2173