Are you struggling to improve your income?
Do you want to improve your financial situation without struggling? I think so! All you have to do is set your money goal and make a strong decision to achieve it! Then, if you constantly focus your mind on your goal and do everything you can to achieve it, you can achieve it! No struggling needed.
The problem is you focus your mind on your money problem, and you are not aware of it. To improve your income, you have to focus your mind on your money goal, not on your your money problem! How to do it? Well, you can repeat money affirmations or you can use hypnosis.
The money affirmations require repetition many times a day, every day, for a long period of time. Can you keep repeating money affirmations 100 times a day, every day, for one year? How about 5 years?
There is a shortcut: hypnosis. Your subconscious mind accepts any info that comes to your brain while in hypnosis. Of course, you have to select the info you want to send to your subconscious. I can help you with this. This is what my article for.
Your subconscious mind can’t reject the thoughts that you don’t control. Often those thoughts are negative. They make you feel miserable. As a result, you think that it is not easy for you to solve your money problem. This is a wrong state of mind to improve your income!
You are a victim of your negative thoughts. That is why you believe that the poor economy, wrong circumstances, and bad luck caused your problem. Right?
Here is a secret that is not a secret at all:
You can improve your money situation if you really want to improve it!
Why am I so sure? Because if you can read this article, you have a normal healthy brain! Which means that you can use your mind to achieve your financial goal.
Are you ready to use your mind for achieving your money goal? Of course you are!
Here are 7 steps you have to take:
1. Figure out how much money do you want to earn every month. I’m not talking about your dream or fantasy. I’m talking about your ideal income that you can realistically have.
2 Make a firm decision to achieve your desired money goal (your ideal income).
3. Create a plan how you can earn more money to achieve your money goal. (This is not a second job or lottery). Think how you can improve your service for your clients.
4. Practice progressive muscles relaxation combined with mental visualization.
5. Keep repeating of your money affirmations every day.
6. Be aware of your wanting to give up when you are not getting the results as quickly as you want.
7. Eliminate your old habit of worry about your financing situation. Expect your success! Keep moving forward toward your goal. You can achieve it, sooner or later!
Stop being a victim of your negative thoughts right now! You can become a person who thinks positively and never quit. Follow my simple instructions, do exactly what I tell you to do, and you will improve your income!
Remember that nothing is impossible.
If you believe that you can achieve your money goal, you can achieve it! If you believe that you can’t achieve your money goal, you can’t achieve it! This is the Law of Attraction that works 24/7.
The habit of worrying about money is a bad habit that is also very stubborn. Replace this habit with a new habit of positive thinking about money. To do so, you have to repeat affirmations many times every day, every month.
You can also use hypnosis which is a powerful tool for breaking bad habits.
Anyway, your desire to improve your income has to be strong enough.
You have to commit to achieve your financial goal! It means no point to return!
You know, when you really want something and see it in your mind as already achieved, then you can achieve it ! This is how your mind works when you control it.
Can you control your mind?
Theoretically yes, practically probably no. Most people can’t control their own minds because they don’t know how to do it.
You can learn how to control your mind. It takes time and effort, of course. Also, you can use hypnosis for programming your mind for your success.
Though my method is not magic but it works magically for many people, including myself.
It doesn’t matter if you are broke now. You can get what you want. You can improve your income! Are you still sceptical about your ability to improve your income? Read my article again! Read it over and over until you feel that you are 100 percent convinced.
You are a normal person with a normal healthy brain. You can easily follow my instructions. As soon as you completely accept all my suggestions, begin working on your money goal!
My name is Alexander Ivlev. As a certified hypnotist, I can help you achieve your goals. I believe in your success!