Why Napoleon Hill spent more than 20 years of his life to create the philosophy of success when Carnegie already had own formula of success before young Napoleon met with him? Well, I think that Mr. Carnegie didn’t really have a formula. Probably, he was just following his intuition when he saw an opportunity. Of course, he had a desire to become rich in the first place. Let me share with you a secret of business success through hypnosis NYC.
The fact is, Carnegie was teaching young people, selected by him personally, to become successful in business. If Mr. Carnegie gave master classes to people who wanted to become rich, then why he asked Napoleon to interview more than 500 self-made millionaires, in order to find a secret of their success? Honestly, I don’t know why, but maybe you will find out.
Napoleon Hill could learn from Carnegie how to be successful and then write a book about it. Even Carnegie could write own book of success for people who wanted to become rich. For example, Charles Haanel was a millionaire who created his program for people willing to achieve their big financial goals. He wrote many books about it. But he didn’t know about business success through hypnosis NYC!
You can achieve your business success through hypnosis NYC
Anyway, you want to know how to make more money by doing what you love to do, right? I hope you have a good business that is legal in US and you are proud of your business. You have achieved some level of income but you are struggling to achieve bigger goals. Yes?
Many business people think that because of “uncertainty time” that we have now, they must do something in order to survive. As a result of such negative thinking, some business owners make wrong decisions, that lead to a bad outcome in form of money loss.
This is not good! You are a proud business owner! You are building your successful business needed for people! It is a perfect time to become rich because so many people need your help to solve their problems.
Do you know who was Virginia Satir? She has created Satir model. Here is what this is about. When something bad unexpectedly happened, people experience painful stress.
According to Satir, instead of trying to restore what you had before the crisis, you have to find a new idea and learn new skills. Keep moving forward and one day you will get out to a new level that is much better then you had before.
So as everybody else, you may think that sooner or later it will be over and everything will be fine as it was before the pandemic. This is not helpful thinking. Satir suggested people to find new ideas and create the plans for manifesting their goals.
Make a strong decision to achieve your bigger goal!
I assume that you already have an idea about your income improvement. Keep your mind focused on this idea and stick to your business plan. Sooner or later you can achieve your new money goal. Tell yourself that you can and will become rich!
Do you know that every emotional thought you have in your conscious mind influences your subconscious? That is why you have to be very careful with your emotional thinking: Fearful thoughts affect your body! You can’t be happy and rich if your body is sick. Right?
As a hypnotist, I also help people reduce stress. Actually stress reduction through hypnosis is very effective. Your nervous system can quickly restore own normality with help of hypnotic suggestion. People who suffered from insomnia sleep better after 4-6 hypnosis sessions.
We don’t exactly know what Carnegie told his students of business success but we know what Carnegie said to Napoleon Hill during his interview. He told him that he uses and directs his own mind to get everything he wanted.
You can program your mind for your success!
You have to be able to control your mind and direct it toward your goals, if you want to be rich. This is not easy task to accomplish for most people because it takes courage, willpower, and discipline. How many times did your spouse, relative, or your friends tell you to stop going nowhere and get a good job?
Only those entrepreneurs who keep going forward ignoring discouraging “advices” from other people achieve their big money goals. You must keep your mind focused on what you want to achieve, not on your problems!
Hypnosis can help you program your mind for your success. If you really want to become rich and you understand how important for you is to be able to control your own mind and think constructively, you can double or even triple your income.
All you need to do is be willing to change your thinking, shift your paradigm, renew your mindset. Are you ready and willing to move forward toward your bigger money goal? I recommend to say yes now because if you are not ready yet, you are not really motivated.
There is no Carnegie formula known today. But Napoleon Hill gave the world the philosophy of success that helped many people become rich. Without Carnegie’s idea Napoleon Hill couldn’t create it! It was a brilliant idea of a successful man who controlled and directed his mind toward his business goals.
Realize that you are the owner of your brain and your body. Also you are the owner of your mind! You have to train your mind the same way as a man trains his body! To think clearly you need to have a peace of mind. Of course, it is not easy for most people today. Hypnosis is very helpful here.
See in your mind your goal as already achieved
Almost everyone who wants to be rich knows about importance of visualization. Yes, but not everyone knows how to visualize effectively. There are people who simply can’t see anything in their minds. Or they are able see only bad things in their minds.
During a session, I always suggest to my clients to see something in their minds and they see it perfectly because hypnotized brain can easily create any images by suggestion. You don’t need to be deeply hypnotized to be able to visualize your desired outcome.
Would you be interested in a FREE consultation? You are welcome to contact me if you are ready. All your questions regarding my program will be honestly answered by me personally. You can schedule your first appointment with me right after the consultation. You can improve your business success through hypnosis nyc!
My name is Alexander Ivlev. As a master hypnotist, I help people program their minds for success.