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Hypnotism help children grow without fears of self-limitation. Ideally every parent can cultivate his/her child as the best individuum in the world, but the better way is just don’t limit your child with your negative suggestions as those we give to our kids constantly. Kids are very hypnotizable, they are talented for that, so any positive suggestion given to them will be accepted instantly.
Mary Poppins used to make all children better, because children believed her, they loved her. Wizard of Oz was just a little old man, but everyone believed that he had a power to make everybody better and stronger. Our kids are the believers. Anything we say to them is a truth, we have to select the very best suggestions for our kids. So hypnotism is safe for anybody and for kids as well, no doubts. Only one condition: the suggestions we give to the kids have to be 100% positive.
Alexander Ivlev, NGH certified hypnotist, member of National Guild of Hypnotists.