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Doctors should refer some patients with depression to a hypnotist

Hypnosis for Depression

Let me explain why medical doctors should refer some patients to a hypnotist. According to official statistics, a number of people with depression is increased dramatically. Why is that? It is because of constant fear, caused by internet news which are designed to scare people!

Endless worrying about this and that is draining nervous energy. As a result, this leads to many problems including poor sleep, lack of confidence, low self-esteem, and so on. Simply to say, your chemical reactions in your body become poisonous.

Mind affects body. This is a scientific fact. You have to control your mind, or it controls you. The problem is when your mind controls you, it makes you feel miserable, because your mind is already programmed this way. Of course, this is not your fault.

Anyway, if you feel sad and your willingness to move forward is fading away, you probably begin looking for help. You visit your medical general practitioner, and then he or she refers you to a psychiatrist.

As soon as you are diagnosed with depression, you start swallowing chemical pills designed to help you feel better. This can help you or this can’t help you at all.

Chemical pills for depression have serious side effects

There are always people who don’t want to take chemical pills because of their side effects. Those people want to try alternative treatment. If you belong to this group of people, ask your doctor about benefits of hypnosis.

You will be surprised how many scientific studies prove that hypnosis is very effective treatment of depression, anxiety, insomnia, chronic pain, IBS, and many other problems. The cool thing is hypnosis treatment doesn’t have side effects!

Your doctor may say that depression is a serious illness caused by your brain chemical imbalance. Now you think that something is wrong with your brain. Right? Well, I am not a doctor, all I know that any normal person who is able to think and follow hypnotist’s instructions, can be benefited through hypnosis.

I believe that your brain is your best doctor in the world! Actually, your brain is also a best pharmacist in the world who can produce super natural drugs for you without side effects! All you have to do is let your brain heal you, in order to feel better.

How to achieve that? First, you must disconnect yourself from official internet news. Of course, it is not easy. It takes effort and willpower. Then, begin practicing self-suggestion which includes reading aloud special positive affirmations every day.

You are the owner of your mind, your brain and your body!

Your mind is not a brain but a bunch of thoughts, beliefs and perceptions. Many of them are self-limiting, unhappy, scaring, nonproductive, negative. If you don’t do anything about it and just let your mind be occupied with all this garbage, then sooner or later you will become chronically and painfully sad.

You may say that it is not possible to fight negative thoughts. Here is the truth: You don’t have to fight your fearful poisonous thoughts at all! Instead, you have to replace them with positive and constructive thoughts!

Of course, this is not so easy for almost all people because they never trained own minds. They just respond to everything automatically with ready to use thinking patterns. It is called a reflex. Russian Professor Ivan Pavlov found it and described it scientifically very well.

It means, you always react to any problem, as your reflex “tells” you to react! This is a scientific fact. To change your thinking patterns, you have break them first and then create new ones, better ones!

You can choose to let go of your depression and feel better all the time!

Realize that your sadness is a chemical reaction of your body to your chronic automatic negative thoughts! You are not aware of it, you even don’t know about it, you just think that way. Even your logical thinking is controlled automatically. Your mind is programmed to affect your body negatively.

But you can change your mind! Choose to stop using your self-limiting beliefs! Begin to train your mind to be your best helper, not your enemy. Make a decision to become a healthy, happy, strong and successful person right now!

The mind-body connection is real. You are responsible for your wellness and wellbeing. Only you can program your mind for your success! Believe in yourself. Expect improvement. Obey the Laws of Nature. You were born to enjoy every moment of your life!

If you need help, you are welcome to contact me for a FREE consultation. I will answer all your questions regarding my hypnotic solution to your stressful problem.

My name is Alexander Ivlev. As a certified hypnotist, I help people reduce stress 100% naturally.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor. I don’t treat depression. If you have been diagnosed with depression, ask your physician about benefits of hypnosis. Your doctor should refer you to me for stress reduction.

Call for a FREE consultation: (646) 630-2173