Recently the French firefighters have been tested hypnosis to help trauma victims,
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Actually helping victims with a hypnotic relaxation technique is very good use of hypnosis because hypnosis is a natural state of the human mind in which the critical faculty is bypassed.
Any fire victim is already in a trance state and it’s not easy for him or her to escape fire. But the good thing is any fighter can use a hypnotic technique to help a victim quickly “wake up” and follow the surviving instructions.
We are in trance when we are reading a good book or watching a nice movie. Anybody in such trance doesn’t pay much attention to the outside world because he or she is mentally focused on the world created by book writer or a movie maker. In case of a fire victim a trance state is created by great fear and a victim is in shock.
What a trained firefighter can do is quickly establish rapport with a victim and give him or her positive hypnotic suggestions that quickly help a victim calm down and relax. When a victim is relaxed he or she is able to easy follow a firefighter’s instructions which is very important.
Hypnosis for a victim’s relaxation is a technique that every NYC firefighter can learn in 2 hours or less. Of course this technique needs to be practiced. I can teach all firefighters how to do such hypnosis for free because I want to help people.
If you are interested in my free workshop for learning hypnosis to help fire victims then call me or email me. I will be happy to teach you!
Alexander Ivlev, a certified hypnotist from Brooklyn, NY
(718) 921-2954