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How Autogenic Training Can Help To Fight Opioid Epidemic in New York

Opioid epidemic New York

Do you take prescription opioid painkillers? You are not safe. Opioid epidemic is in New York! Learn here how autogenic training can help you reduce your chronic discomfort. You don’t to be a victim of opioid epidemic New York.

What is Autogenic Training? It’s a kind of self hypnosis but much easier and sometimes more effective. Every normal person can learn it and practice it for own wellness. No dangeres painkillers needed. Even kids can learn it quickly and easily. You can easily escape opioid epidemic New York!

Autogenic training is 100% safe and effective technique.

If you can give yourself suggestion then you are able to learn and practice autogenic training. You don’t have to believe in it, it works naturally. You know, your mind affects your body. By making your mind peaceful you can reduce feeling of discomfort. As a result, you begin feeling better.

Here are the benefits of Autogenic Training:

  • No side effects
  • 100% natural
  • It helps to increase own wellness
  • It helps to reduce stress and discomfort
  • It helps you be a master, not a victim
  • It’s easy to learn and practice
  • No drugs needed

Your brain is able to produce own harmless painkillers.

If the prescription painkillers are a problem for you then ask your doctor about Autogenic Training. You don’t have to suffer from your pills, do you? Big pharma makes money by selling painkillers.

The problem is those painkillers can be very addictive for some people. Learning and practicing self -hypnosis or autogenic training would be a happy solution to such problem! Allow yourself to enjoy your life!
Alexander Ivlev

My name is Alexander Ivlev. I am a certified hypnotist and a member of The National Guild of Hypnotists. I can help you learn self-hypnosis and Autogenic Training.

Call for a FREE consultation: (646) 630-2173