Holidays are wonderful and also very stressful time. You are running all day long, you are buying a lot of things, you are very busy. When you celebrate something you drink and eat a lot, don’t you? All right, you just want to be happy but a problem is when holiday is over you may feel not good. Too much food, too much drinks, too much stress cause a health problem.
What can you do to protect yourself from overeating? You can do a lot of things: you can eat only healthy food, you can eat small portions but in reality it doesn’t work. You want to have fun!
Hypnosis can help you “program” your mind to be aware of what you eat during holidays and parties. You still have fun and eat whatever you want to but your mind tells you when to stop benging. It’s like a built-in protector: it prevent you from overeating.
You can also reduce your stress with hypnosis and have a wonderful time!
There are so many possibilities to benefit yourself with hypnotic techniques…
I am Alexander Ivlev, a Certified Hypnotist in NYC. I can help you reduce stress.