Do you want to lose weight without pills?
Attend Saturday workshop “Weight Loss Hypnosis” in New York!
If you don’t want to lose weight with chemical pills because of their side effects then you should try weight loss hypnosis New York at my office. On the left you can see a picture of my office located in Upper West Side, Manhattan.
Here are benefits of hypnosis for weight loss:
- No side effects
- No diets or pills needed
- It works FOR your body, not against.
- It can help you improve your metabolism
- It helps to relax and let go of anger
- It can help you activate ” healthy eating” centers in your brain
- It can help you make your mind peaceful
- It’s 100% natural method for achieving ideal weight
- It can help you become inspired and motivated to lose weight
Tired of being overweight? You are welcome to attend Saturday workshop!

Of course, you have some fears about hypnosis, don’t you? That’s OK because people don’t know the truth about hypnosis. I love to educate my clients about benefits of losing weight through hypnosis. You will be amazed how easy it is to achieve ideal weight through hypnosis! By the way, you don’t have to believe to hypnosis. It works naturally.
Recent scientific study proves that hypnosis is real.
It means that if you are hypnotizable your brain can activate “healthy eating” centers. Get more info about it here: Hypnosis Brain Changes. You know better than me that you eat a lot of junk food every day. Sometimes you are trying to control the amount of food you eat but you can’t stop eating.
Do you know why? It’s because you selects wrong food automatically. Actually it’s your mind select wrong food for you. That’s why you have a weight problem. Good news is your mind can be easily ” reprogrammed” to select right food, normal portions, every day.
You can and will achieve your ideal weight if you are a healthy normal person.
By eating healthy low calorie food you can and will achieve your ideal weight. The problem is you select wrong food when you get some bad news. Your mind selects sweets and junk food when you experience stressful time.
Your willpower is not strong enough to control your mind when this happens. Such a problem can be effectively solved through hypnosis. Your brain can activate ” healthy eating” centers, remember?
Feed you body with healthy low calorie food to achieve your ideal weight.

If you are not a body builder your body doesn’t need a lot of food, believe me. Feed your body with healthy low calorie food, mostly fruits and vegetables, and you will achieve your ideal weight naturally. Your body knows how to normalize your weight.
Drink plenty of clean water during a day, sleep good every night, relax, practice meditation. Your body depends on you. Take a good care of your body. Weight loss hypnosis New York is your real help.
Weight loss hypnosis New York is your happy solution to your weight problem.

My name is Alexander Ivlev. I am a certified hypnotist and a member of The National Guild of Hypnotists. I can help you lose weight without diets or pills.
Call for a FREE consultation: (646) 630-2173
Here is a testimonial from my happy client:
“Alex is a wonderful caring kind professional. I went to him for hypnosis for weight loss and within a year I had lost 90 Lbs. He is remarkable and helped me get past major milestones in my life.”
– Desiree Violante