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September is National Menopause Awareness Month

September is National Menopause Awareness Month which is aimed at helping women to understand and embrace menopause in lieu of suffering from its symptoms.

To celebrate, the Women’s OBGYN Medical Group of Santa Rosa takes a look at healthy ways women can work with the physical changes caused by menopause.

Menopause marks the stage of a woman’s life when her body has transitioned from regularly producing estrogen and progesterone in the ovaries to its post-menopausal state. This process occurs naturally in women typically between the ages of 40 and 60, but there are also natural causes and voluntary procedures that can induce premature menopause such as the removal of both ovaries due to treatments for cancer, disease or trauma, and hysterectomy.

Hypnosis can help to reduce menopause related stress.

Symptoms arise in most women as the body adjusts to new hormone levels. Common, though generally mild symptoms which can be treated effectively with complementary therapies include; hot flashes, sleep difficulties, and stress-induced muscle pains, etc. Examples of complimentary therapies for these types of symptoms include;

  •     massage
  •     herbal & dietary supplements
  •     yoga, tai chi, qi gong
  •     biofeedback, meditation
  •     exercise

According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, many nonprescription techniques may relieve the symptoms of menopause including meditation, acupuncture, hypnosis, biofeedback and deep breathing exercises. Many of these exercises involve focusing attention inward and eliminating stressful thoughts. While this type of relaxation helps reduce stress immediately, it can also help a person to better deal with stress throughout the day.

To read the whole article click this link here: A Look at Complementary Therapies and Alternative Medicine for National Menopause Awareness Month

Here are The Benefits of Hypnosis:

  • It’s most effective method for stress reduction.
  • It’s 100% natural and has no any side effects.
  • No any side effects.
  • No need any drugs

Hypnosis is a healthy choice to improve your well-being.

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I,m Alexander Ivlev. As a  consulting hypnotist, I can help you reduce your stress and feel better without drugs. 

For a FREE consultation: (646) 630-2173