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What do consulting hypnotists consult with?
-The general public. We get referrals from doctors, dentists, and other health professionals.
If you have never been hypnotized, then you can better understand what is hypnosis with this example:
-The general public. We get referrals from doctors, dentists, and other health professionals.
If you have never been hypnotized, then you can better understand what is hypnosis with this example:
Were you ever so into a book, or a TV show, that you become unaware of what was going on around you? That’s it.
If you were hypnotized you wouldn’t do against your will or morals just because you are hypnotized. With hypnosis I can give you positive suggestions to help achieve certain goals.Just like having a personal coach to help you program the personal computer in your subconscious mind. I can help you change habits, achieve more of your goals,
relax and be less stressed. Alexander Ivlev, NGH certified hypnotist, member of National Guild of Hypnotists.
Call: (718) 921-2954 and (347) 987-1939
Email: alexandre.ivlev@gmail.com
We serve Manhattan and Brooklyn