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Financial Success Through Wealth Hypnosis

Stop Smoking Through Hypnosis

Do you feel bad during COVID-19 because you are not able to control your mind anymore? Before this pandemic, you easily controlled your mind but now it controls you, pushing you to make wrong decisions? Wealth hypnosis can help you to keep moving forward toward your financial goals!

The scientists explain that when you experience stress, your sympathetic nervous system automatically gets activated. It is called “Fight or flight” mode. As a result, your ability to survive becomes increased, but your ability to think becomes decreased because blood flow to your cortex is getting reduced!

So, during constant stress, you can’t think perfectly because your survival mode is activated. That is why many people during coronavirus outbreak make wrong decisions. Their decisions are based on their fears, not on their goals! You now may ask me: What to do? Let me tell you now what you can do, in order to stay healthy and wealthy during COVID-19 and after. First of all, realize that

Your fear is a state of your own mind!

Brooklyn hypnotist Alexander Ivlev helps eliminate chronic headaches

There are two kinds of fear: conscious fear and subconscious one. You can use your will power to remove or delete your conscious fear but another fear is not easy to delete because your subconscious mind controls it. This problem can be solved with the help of wealth hypnosis.

What is hypnosis? It is a state of deep relaxation in which your suggestibility is increased. That is it! Your thinking mind is “sleeping” during hypnosis which makes your subconscious mind more open to your hypnotist’s suggestions. Of course, you have to trust your hypnotist who must be able to build a rapport with you. Without a rapport, the success of wealth hypnosis is not possible.

You are the owner of your mind!

8 Reasons Why Every Entrepreneur Should Use Hypnosis

It means you can control it during coronavirus outbreak. Actually, you already have the power to control your mind. All you have to do is make a decision to control your mind and direct it toward your goals. It doesn’t matter if the outside world is going crazy, you are able to keep going forward toward your goals!

People who blame something or someone for their poor results, use the Law of Attraction negatively. Their minds are focused on their problems. If you experience poor results in your business, keep your mind focused on your goals, not on your problems! Of course, it is not easy for many people because a habit of worrying too much can be very stubborn!

Wealth hypnosis can help you to focus on your financial goals.

8 Reasons Why Every Entrepreneur Should Use Hypnosis

During a session, I help my clients see their goals as already achieved in their minds. This improves their motivation. If you can see your goal in your mind and feel as if you have achieved your goal, your subconscious mind can “believe” that you are able to achieve it! I call it “The mental rehearsal of success”. This is how wealth hypnosis can help you.

Right now, my offices in Manhattan and Brooklyn are closed because of coronavirus quarantine. But I am busy, helping people via Skype. The truth is every normal person is able to enter a hypnotic state if he or she is willing to listen to their hypnotist and follow his or her simple instructions. The level of hypnosis is not important. The positive suggestions that your hypnotist creates for you are very important. This is how wealth hypnosis can help you to program your mind for your success.

Would you be interested in programming your mind for your financial success?

My name is Alexander Ivlev. As a certified hypnotist, I help people achieve their goals.

Call for a FREE consultation: (646) 630-2173