When you are afraid of something, your sympathetic nervous system activates fight-or-flight mode. As a result, your conscious mind is no longer in use. This is why a lot of people make financial mistakes during this pandemic. Such a problem can be solved through wealth hypnosis which is 100% natural and effective way to reduce your mental stress easily and quickly.
Actually, fears reduce your body’s natural resistance to the viruses. This is a scientific fact. Dr. Bruce Lipton says a lot about it. You have to learn how to let go of your negative emotions such as fear and anger! You know that your positive mental attitude is a foundation of your success, don’t you? The problem is, many business people today are not able to let go of their fears and anger. As a result, they are losing their money.
Realize that you are the owner of your mind
Would you like to stop making wrong decisions based on your money fear and financial anxiety? All you have to do is reduce your emotional stress. Also, you have to make your mind quiet. Well, you may wonder how is it possible for you to have a peaceful mind, if the world is gone crazy. Right?
Here is the truth: You perceive the world through your mind and only through your mind! So, if you feel miserable and scared, then it is your mind makes you feel miserable and scared, not the outside world! You can change your mind and start thinking as a winner, not a looser or victim!
Every time you have a fearful thought, it influences your subconscious mind. In turn, your body reacts to it in a form of unpleasant feelings, including sadness. This is why some business owners feel bad now. They allow their minds be occupied with fake news and discouraging prognosis. You have to take care of your mind as soon as possible! Feed your mind with creative thoughts that can help you move forward! Use wealth hypnosis to program your mind to achieve your financial goals!
Do you have a good plan how to achieve your financial goals?
If not, then create it and begin actively to use your plan to manifest your money. Believe in yourself! You can and will become stronger, healthier, and more successful, if you want to! Of course, it is not easy for you to think clearly and go forward toward your financial goals right now, because your mind is full of fearful thoughts.
Your sleep is poor, your constant anxiety is strong. You are almost ready to quit. Do you really want to keep feeling hopeless and do nothing about it? I don’t think so! You can choose to restore your ability to be a successful business person! Keep learning about why wealth hypnosis is not a financial therapy.
As Napoleon Hill says in his book” Think and Grow Rich”, if your plan is not sound, replace it with another one until you succeed! The good news is, you are able to create your plan. Use your imagination. Also, you can use someone’s suggestion. The wealth hypnotist’s suggestion even better. The more clear your mind is, the better plan you can create. Reduce your mental stress by making your mind quiet.
This pandemic is a perfect time for self-improvement!
Some people are able only to give up when something bad happens to them. It is because they can’t control their minds. Actually, many people today can’t control their minds. How about you? Can you direct your mind toward your money goal? Probably not, because you feel very unhappy. Right?
Here is a scientific truth: You are not your feelings. It means, you can choose to let your negative feeling go away! Realize that sadness is only a chemical reaction of the body. You can change that chemical reaction by changing your mindset! Be a winner, not a quitter! Wealth hypnosis is not a financial therapy.
Does your mind control you? Probably yes if you constantly don’t feel happy. Now, can you tell me please: Would you like to be able to control your mind? Of course! If you made a lot of money before, you know that during those times you controlled your mind. Right? Here is a truth from Lester Levenson: You are not your mind or your body, your are a spiritual being having physical experience. It means, you are perfectly fine in the first place! You don’t need anything, you have everything! Making big money is a game that you allow yourself enjoy to play!
Wealth hypnosis is not a financial therapy
Why do you think some people experience chronic anxiety? Well, they worry too much! Even when they go to sleep they keep worrying. As a result, they can’t sleep without sleeping pills. In turn, they don’t feel good anymore.
You have to give your brain cells a break, in order to restore your vital energy. How can I achieve that? -you may ask me. Use your willpower to discipline yourself! If you need help, I can teach you how to do it.
When someone calls me for a FREE consultation begging me to help them stop their panic attacks, I always ask them if they visited their medical doctors. When people tell me that their medical doctors didn’t find anything wrong, I ask more questions about panic attacks. I am listening to my clients very carefully.
By experience I know that a basically healthy normal person without any mental problem is able to feel much better after 4-6 hypnosis sessions. The most interesting thing is, you don’t need deep hypnosis to normalize your wellness. Light hypnosis is what you need.
You are happy and successful right now!
Many people think that they will become successful only when they will achieve something. No, this is a wrong mindset. You are successful now! You are happy now! Well, you may say: How can I be happy, if I don’t make enough money because of this pandemic?
Here is the truth: Your mind affects your body! It means your dominant thoughts control your financial results! You don’t have to feel bad, do you? Choose to feel great all the time!
Make a decision to achieve your goals! It doesn’t matter if you tried a financial therapy already and still didn’t get results that you want. I don’t do financial therapy, anyway. This time is different: Try wealth hypnosis! It is not any kind of therapy. It is a 100% natural way to program your mind for your financial success! Of course, hypnosis is not magic. It can’t instantly turn you into multi-millionaire. But I can help you achieve your financial goals through wealth hypnosis.
My name is Alexander Ivlev. As a certified hypnotist, I help people keep moving forward toward their goals.