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What Did Andrew Carnegie Tell Young Napoleon?

When Andrew Carnegie gave an interview to the young reporter Napoleon Hill, he told that everyone has the equivalent of two envelopes at birth. One envelope is labeled “Riches” and another envelope is labeled “Penalties”.

The first envelope has everything you need to enjoy your life as a healthy, wealthy, happy and successful person. All you have to do is direct your mind toward your goals.

The second envelope has everything you don’t want: poor health, poverty, miserable life, fears, jealousy, anger. You may have all these problems if you are not able to control your mind. It means you have to pay penalties for not directing your mind to what you want.

Why Andrew Carnegie chose two envelopes as a metaphor? I don’t know but it is a perfect metaphor. You have the power to control your mind, but do you use it in a positive way?

An average person doesn’t know how to use own mind

You may say that any normal person uses his mind. Of course, he or she uses own minds! The problem is your subconscious mind becomes in charge when you don’t know what you want and where to go!

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It means that you think that you are not responsible for your results. You blame the economy, your boss, your spouse, your parents, yourself. Right?

You have the privilege to program your subconscious mind.

Are you happy with your income? If not, then make a decision to increase your income!

Make a decision to increase your income!

When you have decided to get what you want, you are responsible for your success. Many people don’t like to be responsible for own success because they failed to increase own income.

Money Problem Can Be Solved With Hypnosis

How about you? How many times did you fail to get what you really want? A lot? Let me tell you, my friend, that every successful man or woman has achieved their goals after facing many painful problems. They made it because they didn’t quit!

Here is the secret that I, as a hypnotist, share with my clients: you are successful now! You don’t need this and that to become successful. I recommend you to accept this secret right now! You are successful! Trust me!

Your success is a result of your right thinking!

keep moving forward toward your goal

Your results are always the reflection of your thinking. Your subconscious mind affects your results, no matter how smart or educated you are. It means that every normal person can achieve his or her goals if he or she can program own subconscious.

You may wonder how to program your own subconscious mind, yes?

Here is another truth: Your subconscious mind is not easy to program for your success because as a kid you have been programmed already! If you don’t achieve the results you want, it means that your childish programs don’t support you.

Do you remember Carnegie’s two envelopes? At your birth, you have an equivalent of two envelopes. If you don’ use your mind, the envelopes labeled “Penalties “are yours automatically!

You are responsible for your wellness!

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Alexander Ivlev is a certified hypnotist based in Brooklyn, NY. Call for a FREE consultation: (718) 921-2954

Realize that you are responsible for your wellness and wellbeing! You can use your mind to get the conditions of life you want. The first envelope labeled “Riches” will be yours but it will not happen automatically. You have to use your conscious mind to reprogram your subconscious mind!

This is not a secret. Andrew Carnegie talked about it a hundred years ago, teaching people how to become millionaires. You can become a millionaire too! Of course, your business has to be legal.

People, who watched the movie Secret, think that it is very easy to attract what you want because there is the Law of Attraction. All you have to do is focus on what you want. Yes, it easy for those people who are able to control own minds.

Average people can’t control own minds because no one taught them how to do that. Public schools and colleges don’t teach their students how to control own minds. Why? I don’t know but I m sure that everyone can learn how to use own mind to get the results they want.

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Again, attracting the things you want is not easy for anyone who doesn’t use own mind in a positive way. Most People automatically use own minds in a negative way attracting what they don’t want because they have been programmed negatively when they were little kids.

Mr. Carnegie’s formula of success works 100%

It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe to Andrew Carnegie’s formula of success, you have to believe in your success! Trust me, Andrew Carnegie’s tips and instructions work perfectly! It is a scientific fact that your brain doesn’t think, you do!

You are the decision-maker! This is your birthright. You have the ability to choose to go toward your goals, feel great, think positively, enjoy your life! If you don’t choose, your subconscious mind will choose it for you.

The problem is 99.99 % your subconscious mind may choose what you don’t want because your mind is focused on it!

Please understand that nothing is wrong with you if you experience a lack of money, poor health, unhappy relationship.

Your wrongly thinking mind causes your problem.

Why? Because your subconscious mind was programmed by your parents, friends, daycare teachers, your environment.

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Imagine, what you could achieve if you were born in a perfect family, and lived in a perfect environment. The good thing is it doesn’t matter if you have been programmed to see yourself as a limited person who is not good enough to be happy and successful.

If you really want to change your life, you can change it! You don’t need anything, you have everything already! You have the power to control your mind! Stop blaming yourself for being unable to achieve your goals. Stop blaming people around you for not helping you. Stop Blaming your parents for not giving you a perfect childhood, love, and support.

The power to use your own mind is your gift from God.

Be thankful for such a gift! Express your gratitude every day. Focus on what you want. Keep your mind closed to negative suggestions from other people ( especially your relatives) who don’t think that you can change your life.

Remember that your results are not limited. You can improve anything you want: your income, your relationship, your health. All you have to do is to use your mind in a positive and constructive way.

Alexander ivlev is a certified hypnotist based in New York

You may say OK, I can try it. Let me tell you my friend: You have to commit to achieving your goals! No maybe or I will try it. When you say that this is not your decision, this is your subconscious mind makes a decision for you.

This is why many techniques and self-help oils don’t work for most people. There is no comment, only wishing to quickly get what they want without changing their minds.

I want you to believe in Andrew Carnegie’s philosophy of success!

You are not different than rich people who achieved their business goals. You have the same brain. Only your mindset is different. Do you want to change it? I am sure you do!

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Sadness is the wrong choice. To feel good choose to feel good!

Get rid of all your negative emotions, and fearful thoughts. Believe in your success! You can improve your income! You can have a happy relationship! You can become a healthy and wealthy person who enjoys own life!

For your subconscious mind, there is no difference between the real and imagined worlds. If you can visualize yourself counting huge amount of money, your subconscious mind will accept it as a real experience. In turn, your mind will attract the vibrations of big money and as a result, you can become inspired to improve your income easily. New ideas will come to your mind, and you will become busy achieving your goal!

8 Reasons Why Every Entrepreneur Should Use Hypnosis

Many Olympic champions use hypnosis and visualization techniques to increase self-confidence. For example, Michael Felps used to visualize himself swimming perfectly every day. This helped him to become a winner.

Michael Jordan used to use visualization to improve his results. You should use visualization to program your subconscious mind for your successes.

As you know already, any negative thought influences your subconscious mind, if you let it happens. Any positive thought can influence your subconscious mind only with the help of repetition of an idea that you select.

You can achieve your goals without any help.

If you need help, you are welcome to contact me. I help people to break their bad habits including habits of worrying too much, negative thinking, losing motivation, procrastination, poor sleep, limiting self-believe and mare.

8 Reasons Why Every Entrepreneur Should Use Hypnosis

Do you know that you are not only a person? You are a spiritual being having a physical experience! Hess what, you are perfectly fine in the first place. You have a mind and a body. It means you are the master!

You control your mind that controls your body! If your mind is full of fearful thoughts, your body always will be sick. If your mind is constantly happy and peaceful, your body maintains perfect health.

Your health depends on your mindset

The same is true for your financial health. A poor income is a result of a mind focused on poverty, misery, fears, and anxiety. The mind of a successful business person is happy and peaceful. You can make your mind happy and peaceful through the repetition of an idea and visualization of your goal. Also, you can use hypnosis.

Did Andrew Carnegie use hypnosis? I don’t know but I do know that hypnotism was extremely popular in his time. I am sure that New thought movement leaders were aware of the benefits of hypnotism for programming own minds for success in business.

Now please let me tell you that you can become a person you intend to become only by using your mind. Of course, you have a choice: you can listen to me or you can not listen to me. Actually, you have no choice because you want to improve your income! Can you recall what Andrew Carnegie said about two envelopes?
Alexander Ivlev

My name is Alexander Ivlev. As a certified hypnotist, I help people achieve their goals.

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