Here is the truth: Some people go to a best rehab center and spend there a month or two. As soon as they are back home, they drink again without any difficulties.
Why is that? I think that It is because they WERE NOT interested in quitting drinking in the first place.
Those people just been dragged to rehab without their willingness. As a result, they blame everything and everybody for failing to become sober.
If you want to solve your drinking problem, will you go to rehab? You will probably try to stop drinking on your own instead, right?
When someone joins AA, he or she agrees to accept that they are alcoholics for the rest of their lives.
Can you accept that you are an alcoholic?
Actually, according to CDC, only 10% of all alcohol drinkers are alcoholics.
The 90% are heavy drinkers who are not alcohol dependent! It means, they have no addiction. They can stop drinking as soon as possible at any time they want to.
The guys who belong to 10% believe that they can’t stop drinking because they have a serious disease called alcohol addiction.
So, those people are poor victims of alcohol.
You control your drinking problem, or it controls you!
Now, let me ask you: Would you rather be a heavy drinker or an alcoholic? The choice is yours.
Being a heavy drinker without addiction makes you responsible for yourself, your work or business, your life.
But you can also choose to be a hopeless victim of alcohol without any responsibility. In this case, you will resist any help offered you to solve your drinking problem. Of course, there are many people who are not agree with me now.
Are you agree with what I am telling you here?
So, you need to have a right mindset, if you want to stop drinking for good.
The mindset of a person who is willing to give up his drinking habit, instead of finding hundreds of excuses for failing to get sober.
Making a decision to solve a drinking problem takes courage. Without a such decision your success of getting sober is not possible.
When someone wants you stop drinking, you are going to resist their attempt, of course!
In contrary, if you, YOURSELF, want to achieve your sober goal, then your success is very possible!
Or you can ignore everything I told you here and just keep drinking as usual, but in this case your drinking problem never be solved.
My name is Alexander Ivlev. I help people stop drinking alcohol for good easily and quickly.