Do you want to know why the pills are useless for insomnia? Here is a fact: Some people take many different kinds of pills, designed to reduce insomnia, but their sleep problem lasts for many years.
Why insomnia can’t be cured with pills quickly? Well, though I am not a medical doctor, I know that a normal healthy person’s lack of sleep is a reaction to his or her emotional tension.
Yes, your doctor may say that your insomnia is caused by stress, depression, or anxiety. Then why your doc doesn’t help you reduce your depression, or anxiety in the first place?
So, it is like trying to treat a symptom instead of finding and deleting the root of a problem. The question is, how to find the root which is the cause of your insomnia and then delete it?
If you ask your doctor about it, he or she will probably say that it is not possible to find the root of a sleep problem. Or maybe your doc doesn’t want to find a root of your sleep problem at all!
Here is a scientific truth: Your subconscious mind can solve your sleep problem without any pills. You may ask me: How to use your mind to become free from insomnia?
The answer is, you can’t normally access your subconscious mind and use it to solve your sleep problem. But I can help you! As an expert in hypnotherapy, I know how to get help from subconscious.
The pills are useless for insomnia, but your mind can improve your sleep!
Realized that your mind constantly affects your body. It is called mind-body connection. When you think happy thoughts and experience positive emotions, your body is “happy”. As a result, your every night sleep is good.
In contrary, when your mind is full of fearful thoughts, and you experience negative emotions such as anger and fear, your body is not happy. Your sleep is distorted and poor.
You may see now that you need to take care of your mind, if you want to improve your sleep.
Can you do it? Theoretically yes, but in reality it is not easy for average person to control own mind which is a bunch of thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions.
Anyway, your sleep problem can be solved without any pills or treatments, because your brain is able to restore your natural normal sleep!
All you have to do, in order to be free from insomnia, is admit that you are responsible for your wellness and wellbeing!
Obey the Law of Good Health, respect your body, keep your mind quiet, be grateful for everything you have, and your sleep will improve by itself!
My name is Alexander Ivlev. I help people restore normal sleep without pills easily and quickly.
Are you committed to solve your sleep problem?