Do you have a painful weight problem? Do you feel tired of trying to lose weight? Do you think that only a gastric band surgery may help you lose weight?
I want you stop thinking right now. I know it’s not easy for you, but just do it, please.
OK, start thinking now. I am sure that you feel differently now. Something in your mind is changed. Now it’s a good time to tell you the truth:
Your Weight Problem Is A Gift For You!
Your weight problem is a gift for you because you can become better! Your overweight body is telling that you eat too much. Your body is warning you. Your body is crying for help. How you deal with such messages? Do you ignore them all and keep binge eating?
Let me tell you that you have 2 choices:
1) you can keep binge eating and gain more weight or
2) you can accept your weight problem as a gift and set your mind to lose weight.
A lot of overweight people think that their bodies are ill, that’s why they are overweight. Of course they are ill because junk food made them ill. They have 2 choices too.
You can lose all your painful fat if you accept the gift and thank your body for it! Now you know why your weight problem is a gift for you, don’t you?

I,m Alexander Ivlev, a certified hypnotist from NYC. I can help you become slim.