You want to stop smoking and at the same time you don’t want to stop smoking, because your mind has 2 parts and those parts are in conflict. Consciously you understand that smoking is bad and want to quit; subconsciously you don’t want to quit, because you like it in the first place.
What to do? To smoke or not to smoke? – this is a kind of Shakespeare’s question. Well, you always have a choice. If you decided to quit smoking through hypnosis, which is a very effective and craving free method, then you made a right choice!
What is stop smoking hypnosis? How does it feel to be in hypnotic trance for stop smoking?
My friend, imagine yourself comfortably sitting in a chair with your eyes closed, very relaxed and listening to a hypnotist’s gentle voice…That’s it. That’s the kind of hypnosis we, the consulting hypnotists, use. No nicotine gum or nicotine patches. No any drugs needed. Absolutely no side effects. Hypnosis is 100% safe, it is a natural state of human mind.Only one thing hypnosis can’t do for you is make you WANT to stop smoking, if you DON”T want to.
Hypnosis is very helpful for changing or deleting the unwanted habits such as smoking, overeating, and many other ones. Quitting smoking with willpower is difficult, because as I mentioned earlier two parts of a smoker’s mind are in conflict. So hypnosis is a peacemaker for any smoker that decided to quit smoking.
Hypnosis help you FEEL as a non-smoker. As soon as you FEEL you are a non smoker, you ARE a non-smoker! It’s all about changing your FEELING actually.
Free consultation over the phone: (718) 921-2954
Alexander Ivlev, NGH certified hypnotist, member of National Guild of Hypnotists, Smoking Cessation Specialist.
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